Movie Event (935 Views)

written by de ZeroJoker on 15.10.06 22:50


im in is there any irc channel to contact?
lol :>
im in :d i hope it'll be fun but 64 ppl on ts, isnt that a bit much?

yes, just join #etcc.

@noctiferia: No its not. We will have a moderated channel what means only a few are allowed to speak (have voice).

Server information will be announced on our website aswell as in irc.


Give some more Infos about the Movie :> Sounds interesting

i am working on a clanmovie atm. This movie shall also include a "fun part" and thats what it is for.

But maybe i decide to make a complete movie out of funny things like this one, have to see it afterwards how it looks and stuff.

We plan some funny things, you will not regret it :-).

Its not only for recording. It doenst happen often that you have 64 or even more people on one server so we will also do some other funny stuff but i will not tell you exactly what we are planning,you have to try it out^^.

Hmmm... you just made me curious :D

I'll be there if I find some time :)
hmmzz.. sounds cool imo :)
i'll wil come :)
I signed up :D

just want to inform you that the sign up is open again.

damn to late
gg next time less kids, and more friendly fire desable:P
so zero, how's the movie coming along and where will yo put the link to it?