gbooky recovered (610 Views)

written by nl arni on 05.11.06 22:01


give me back my 100k
i lost 3600 places for no reason, no matches were lost no matches won, i jsut refreshed the site once again and i was 3600th :S
Reason 1:

Other people might be better than you

Reason 2:

The ranking only considers archievements that have been done in the past 30 days
1. i was 19th

2. it happened yesterday, as i said i was 19th, i refreshed the site, no matches were ended when i refreshed, then i just fell down to 3750th place

3. same happened to Wormm he was on 3760th place and now hes back in 1rst place....
you made me curious and i recalculated your stats from all the bets you had

you are now ranked 9th

sorry for the trouble :-/ wont happen again
i thought something was wrong :) np :p