Gbooky odd limits changed (5197 Views)

written by nl arni on 01.03.07 23:49


Interesting, and I can see why you did this, but...

It sort of removes the purpose of betting for your average game (who wants to win $1? or even $0.10 for people just starting out?) where everyone is expecting a certain outcome. Eventually, that could be the downfall of the gbooky system since most bets will be pointless and hence not made.

Maybe make the limits something like 1.1 and 10, or something in between.
i was seeing the huge inflation we had due to the 1.25 bet limit as a more serious problem, there were people making huge amounts of money from only 1.25 odds discouraging people with less money.

I think this was really necessary and i hope people will understand it.
The Gbooky rankings are not based on the amount of money you have, but on the % of money you made in the last 30 days. This should make no difference in the rankings and it is possible to reach a high ranking with fewer money too...
I understand your decision and I will bring up the necessary respect for it but what's so wrong with inflation? :(

If I please may do a little suggestion: I would suppose to reset the Gbooky capital every year and the player with the best performance wins a virtual cup or sth. This would reduce the inflation, but please... betting to win 1.01% of the amount is rly rly rly rly no fun.

Still best system = old system

Kindly regards
Reset all money and start again :>
its been brought up several times, but i'm personally against it - but if really many people want it (and could prove this in a vote) then we could reset them
Try a poll. Imo was the better thing to do :)
would love to see a reset! and an updated rss feed to show it on
well im pretty sure there are more people broken people than rich once...
im against restart
do something about this imo:

:(((((( (
bets in the past wont be effected
look at the comments, the point was that opponent who got switched and those who didnt refresh gamestv since have now lost their bet that they had for retro -_-
already changed it
thank you! =^_^=
"Some people solely rely on the 1.25 odds for sure bets."

guilty :D
1.25 and 5 was better :/.
reset <3
omg... stupid change ... odds: 1.01 against 100.00 :o

u can make a profit wooooow, 20 cents ... =(
Your bet: 129€ on cZar Possible Win: 132.87 € (+3.87 €)

Your bet: 129€ on mQ Possible Win: 4,422.12 € (+4,293.12 €)

Btw why can you only bet 50% of your available money? Changing it, so you can bet all of your money would be great imo, especially with the new odds system.

Discuss :P (or make a poll or something)
good to see u are working on the betting system, but now the odds are maybe abit too low for some matches
Your bet: 6000€ on zP! Possible Win: 6,060.00 € (+60.00 €)
only 60 euro's for a 6000 bet :(
Won't this discourage ppl placing bets?
Actly, this will be effected on every user in this system.
i guess u must reset the stats if u want to stay with this system.
personally i preffer to stay with the old one.. ur bet + 0.1 that pritty sux.. and if somone luckly bet on the oppotent then he is automaticly on the top.. that sux

sorry for my english hope ull understand thx
This new system can only work properly if you reset all...
nice that u made new odds
more realistic to real booky sites, now we can see the real moneymakers :>
with a reset !!!
more risks, more fun!
great change.
reset money!
and I want to bet 100% of my available money
The odds look a lot nicer with the new system. You can actually tell what the perceived chances of victory are, rather than just seeing "team B is the underdog".

Given that this is something I've been asking for for ages, I love it :D
odd 100.00 sounds very funny, imo 1-15 max
OMG switch back to the previous system !!
Who cares if some shy boys only bet @ 1.25 ???

Nice for just killing g-booky, who will bet now that u only can win 1€...

If there was something to change, just schedule more fair matches but dont change the odds its totally stupid... Anyways 1.01 - 100 is totally ridiculous and it seems obvious that betting activity on this site will decrease by 75%.
25/02 20:00 | 141 - 1.25 vs 5.00 - cZar | 160€ on 141 | Won 200.00 €
28/02 21:00 | mQ - 5.00 vs 1.25 - FF X-Fi | 280€ on FF X-Fi | Won 350.00 €
You must be very shy
28/02 21:30 dtekt 1.25 vs 5.00 A+R 500€ on dtekt Won 625.00 €
28/02 21:00 mQ 5.00 vs 1.25 FF X-Fi 1000€ on FF X-Fi Won 1250.00 €

U too ? K thx bye :)
"Who cares if some shy boys only bet @ 1.25 ???"
but with the little difference u said we were shy, just talk for yourself :)
imo reset and keep this betting system... or then dont change it at all! =/ new rules = new game... u play, u pay =F
it sucks tbh
People seem to have been playing too many MMORPGs imo! You can't just "grind" G-Booky money by continually betting on 1.25 teams, it's meant to be an odds-based gambling system, where the people who play the odds (bet on teams when they think they're more likely to win than their odds suggest) will come out on top...
I think it is bad Idea. People starting, will have to sit all the day betting on gtv, to gain much money.. Also look at people with some more money, like 1000€. If I bet 500€ (that's all I can - stupid idea) It means I can only win... 5€?? I think It should be 1.2 to 50. It would be a lot better. Try to make a pool:
Do you preffer
a) 1.01 to 100
b) 1.2 to 50

with an amount of 500€ you can win up to 50000€.
u are a good little sherlock, now, arent ya?
if i bet the half of my money on overrated teams now i can win nothing cool
it is like everything to lose, nothing to win situation?
reset, otherwise there is no point!
It is really hard to get money here :( I have 1300€ and it is almost impossible to get money betting on 1.01 teams..


If the odds changed like that, why don't the odds for similar teams didn't changed? Why is it still 2.00 to 2.00? It should also changed to for example 5.00 to 5.00..
then dont bet on 1.01 teams :)
pls more of your inteligent coments.....scooli! like he told, nothing to win everything to lose situation, pls dont write better, you talk shit imo
Please change it back !
1.01 is to low imo... 1.10 or smth would be much better
if u keep this new system, it makes no sense without restart
Now there will be no betting in diginita's matches. No one would bet against diginitas unless ur new one here(i mean rly new), and who would care about 0.01% win...
How to ruin a well-working system just to be able to say u've changed it :S
1.01 suckage ..
personally i prefered the 1.25 - 5 system. There wont be a lot of betting anymore Because noone is gonna want to risk loosing money if they can only win 2 bucks.

But nice work arni :)
change it back omg :/
change it back
ffs stupid shit it is baaah :(
All those who want to change it back are not real betters - they just want to make money with really secure bets, which is not how betting works. If everyone who bets on dignitas who are sure to win gets money, the system is flawed. You still get money now, but it's far less - risky bets are rewarded, secure ones aren't. Perfect system.
yea now everybody bets on the team they don't think that will win, but which has a higher multiplier and also is not risky, because if you are betting on the team with the 1.01 you can have alots of higher losses as if u bet on the underdog

that doesnt make sense at all
redicioulous the gap is made to big with 1.01 vs 100. All those who want to turn back are not real gamblers -,- sure ......with 315euro i would say the same thing
perfect idiotic? the system is far from perfect
not rly couse scale fom 1 to 100 isnt normal 1,1 10 is maybe normal
kk i bet 2000 on team like zP 1,01 i win 20 euro then i risk and bet 20 euro on lower team to make probably some money as you can see this is freeze no moving just be still on same place so pls change it from 1,01-100 to 1,1-10 than you can say we are no real gamblers ;) :D
w0w everyone has been whining that the system scks and now when it gets changed you guys whine ven more?

Well done gtv crew
well stfu... it was not good change... I like the bets you not k
nice gtv <3 and reset all gbookey money?
how about the Dignitas games, everyone will vote for them so it's no point on betting on them
agree with nike06 1.2-50 should be good
I understand your point of view, but since everyone will just stop betting now, unless for dignitas, things don't really make sense. Also, I wouldn't change the minimum to 1.01, 1.10 seems better, because with other games there are easy bets to get cash on, and those don't get punished. Nice system, but I'd make it 1.10 instead of 1.01
Completely agreed.
About a gbooky reset:

If there is a reset, then i'd like to do it together with moving gtv1 data to gtv2 and not now.

There will be a poll about this reset in 3 to 4 weeks ;-)
zeroPoint! Gaming 1.01 vs 100.00 vae.KiH Total pot: 3906323 €
Your bet: 30€ on zP! Possible Win: 30.30 € (+0.30 €)

PLEASE :<<<<<<<<<<<<
bad idea...
bad idea. I see your point in the people with larger amount of money. but now they will drop to 1.01 and make no profit at all
lol with this you disadvantage the people with less money even more with making even less profit
Actually, if you don't see it as a "grind" with no skill, where you just bet on the good teams in one-sided games, it's a big advantage to the smaller guys.

The bigger guys have money such that they can't physically bet on a high-odds game without the odds changing to be significantly lower. Small money guys don't have that disadvantage so stand to gain far more with a good long-odds bet.
Ultimate tax! Bet 5 eur @ all clans with odds @ 100 and u'll be rich sooner or later ;o
1.01 suck :(
Happy to see Im not the only one thinking its totally stupid to change something that didn't need to be changed.
I have to agree again. Why fix things if they aren't broken?
shocking! me 2
imo dont need to reset by now.
look, soon there will be gtv2, so since today you can consider gtv1 as a test platform. dont reset stats, just test some various solutions and stuff. if some of ideas gets support of bigger group of gamblers, use it in gtv2.
guys who say "change back or reset" - you will lose you money anyways, when gtv2 arrives.

EDIT: and imo this rly should be NEWS. It's the information regarding the website feature of the high importancy
So reset money....
And once again an explanation:

If everyone bets on one team, we shouldn't give out money at all if they win since we didn't get any from those who bet on the other team. For every bet that is won, we have to give the money that was bet on the other team to the winners in equal distribution. The old system was extremely flawed because we kept giving out money we didn't earn. This especially rewarded people with loads of money who kept making even more money. This is now changed. You can still win money with secure bets, it's just not that much anymore. For matches were equal amounts are bet on both teams you can still double your bet money. You can make even more money by betting on extreme outsiders, but it's very risky. This is how gambling works. If you can't accept that, you have not understood the concept.
there is still flaw: 1 cent on every 1 euro, 100 gamblers makes 1 euro comes from nowhere. if you talk about gambling working, make the system 100% consistent
My problem is not with the lack of secure bets now that it has been changed. The problem is that this new system simply discourages people from voting on far over half the games, since what you can win is insignificant. Sure, maybe the only interesting games where you are truly gambling are 1.9 vs 2.1 games, but what about games such as polar vs -img? Still interesting, but people have made up their minds about the most likely winner, and the odds are ridiculous. Now, why would I possibly bet on that game? I can either win $2, or there's a small but existant chance I can loose $200. It simply ruins a whole lot of possible betting opportunities.
this is very lame, no fun
what about the system like at clanbase that the cb set the odds like 75%-25%. its much better imo
1,05 - 10
1,05 - 20
1,05 - 50
Situation when you want to win more money is 10 kurz nice and provocating people lose money and if you bet on match like zP vs j4ff you will win not so much....

you bet 1000 you win 50
isnt that much
you bet 10000 you win just 500 btw lock bets on games where play dignitas :D
1,05 kurz is on Federer (tenis player ) in some cup first round just....
This what you did is bad when you dont see it im sorry for you guys but mistakes to do is normal so think about it look like it works in RL and than change it and reset with the new gtv2 thx
1,25 & 5 > All
This is weird now !
1.01 is to low, then you can better not bet cuz if the win you will get only a few cents and if you lose ur fucked.

better 1.25 -> 10 or smth
it's crap
1.25 and 5 was better imo...:*
pls think about what you send the old system was not so good couse how DJ said the system only kept money that wasnt so great but pls admins use somey system near of reality thx
my english sux we learned german when i was going to shool :D
No.. "real", u dont have such wierd numbers on reality maximum change it to 1.20 and 9 thats pwns imho
yeah could be tbh
Deutsch > English ;)

People with 200000000000000000000000000000 cash can still make more money and keeps us newbs discouraged !

PS.200000000000000000000000000 was just a figure of speech, go whine to your trashcan
think before you write, the raking system dont care about ur money, it dose care that you'll winning precence will be possitive, high.
if u reset the ranks then its only for "Refreshing" the system (thought)
i dont even think that its neccesry
this kinda sux!
well i think you should solve the problem that i cant set any more money now. i have 8 euros! i have to set at least 5 euro but i cant set that because i cant set more than the half of my money! i think you should solve THAT problem.
Du hast son talen zum Wetten, an deiner stelle würd ich nicht um echtes geld wetten :D
We dont care about such problems here, gtv is a professionnal Hiskilled Gambling Place for true Hiskilled Gamblers that can make money with Hiskilled Odds such like 1.01-100.

Real bugs are irrelevant here so pls dont whine.
Is this place full of morons or what? "Buhu richer people can get more money than me", "WTF?? I bet 1000 on dignitas vs random OC div 5-clan and I only won 0.10 bucks I cant grind like this!!!"

Anyone here ever seen a real bet? You take a risk, you succeed you get rewarded. You feel like playing on the safest team in the world? Well you wont get shit for it since everyone else will do the same. This is how it fucking works, this isnt some fucking system made to reward the guy that can sit all day and make 1.25-bets, this is a gambling-system where you take a risk and get rewarded depending on the outcome.

However, its not good now either, 1.01 - 100 isnt good. Make it 1.10 - 30 or something more normal.

*Oh and why the hell arent you resetting the scores every month so people can start whenever they want. Give the person with the most winnings aftear each month his name in gold or whatever so people got something to gamble for (xDD)