Defix vs (14004 views)

fi Spirea
fi Sanda
pl krychA
pl sexupLOAd
04.04.09 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 2on2 Spring League '09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: krycha (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 41476
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 2
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
By: shadz (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 98


Are these maps forced?
yes and if you werent as braindead as you are you would know it
dude, braindeads can know a lot things, so that was pretty bad try :D
idiot :D:D:D:D
you wouldn't know anything, not even how to speak! and u would also have as bad English as me
They can have a lot memories and formulas on how to do things. Knowing and performing are different things. They know how to talk, they just can't.
depends on when you became braindead i guess x]
you seem to know a lot about this subject! x]
lol @the odds, izi for fintardz :O
bash the cheaters fintards :>
Spirea <3
np 4 sexupload, hax2max
You have € 10 on pl 2b3 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 96.1

Sopupeliä, saatte puolet jos häviätte tahalleen.
easy for cheaters GO GO RUNA I KRYCHA
oj runa tu zaskoczyles szkoda ze ja w et nie gram :( ale ty mozesz podkrecic haxa wh on i jazda z defixem ONLY ONLINE GO GO GO
sorry ale napierdalanie na public bocie a napierdalanie na priv haxie z obvious settami to duza roznica
You have € 10 on pl 2b3 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 38.7

hackers allways win
GL mates
Don t pick braundorf :)
b4, sciany off i jedziem
bauerndorf ?
Good Luck Defix.
easy for spirea and sanda...
still not busted so my bet to 2b3 gl =D
affrimitive :XD
18/02/08 - date already expired
But still he was busted so........
cb sux, dont u know ?
prisoners also get free after a several time, so ;)
he's not banned anymore but a comment "still not busted" can't be right if he has even served a ban earlier in time
i got banned not fair :< ip of ban is 87.205 look on yawn how much people in "netia" - polish internet have thats ip :[
hf defix
gl fins!
gl defix :D
np for spirea
Pytam sie kiedy pajac sexupload bedzie ocuniety od wszelkich cupów, lig itd.. Krycha to samo ? Wrocil bez bota (kiedy byl juz d/t bo nie bylo go stac a priva) i go wysmialismy na ts z jego poke naprawde poke skillem to bylo gorzej niz low-...wyszedl z ts wszedl za 2 dni...Krecil najwieksze dg....Jego tlumaczenie " Yhy" "taa" "Napewno" !!! [w oczekiwaniu na busta]
przyke ma zycie chlopak.
troche wspolczucia :<
moglbys chociaz nie klamac :)
sexupload hax krycha same to
2o2 to juz bardziej sie mozg liczy czego te dwa buraki na haxach nie maja, in short - > easy for defix
Ale mieli walla dummy ;] Stykło
np 4 spirea
i smell a 4:0 for sanda and his sidekick spirea :P cheers lads
sexupload was clearly wallhacking last match + best wallhack maps ! my bet on 2b3
Manager: krycha (Requestee)
2b3 easy money
Gl 2b3 !
You have € 1000 on pl 2b3 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3960
Edittasit D:

Kyl polskeille munkin rahat menee, Cheaters always win
Otin viime hetkel pois, erehdyin henkilöstä
gl haxy!
sorry for the probably stupid question but how do you access the Enemy Territory Tv area, I see people connected to things like:
but how do I get to be able to watch the action? Any help would be awesome thanks
1) Download and install ET 2.60b (first install 2.60 patch, then 2.60b) with ETpro 3.2.6, download all official maps
2) Connect to the server
2) +attack (mouse1 by default) to view next player, weapalt (mouse2) to view previous player, jump (space) to enter freeview
3) if u want to spec a particular in a particular team then do /players in console then do /follow <id>. so if Vanhaomena is playing and /players shows his id as 2 then doing /follow 2 will show u him playing.
scores ?
3-1 2b3

obvious cheaters xDDDD so expected -> You have € 20 on 2b3
You won € 123.4
gg cheaters
You have € 21 on 2b3 You won € 129.57
Dzieki chlopaczki ! XD
imo krycha ladny self bust :P
need someone to make an avi of the wallscan by krychi, tried to shoot not one but two guys through like 2-3 walls, it was so hilarious :D

cheaters always win
omg.. lol, dfx lost? bugaga..(
krycha zajebiscie sciany łatał :D
You have € 5 on 2b3
You won € 30.85 XDDD
Never thought i would say this but ... <3 Polags xD
You have € 250 on 2b3
You won € 1542.5
izi money!!!
You have € 28 on 2b3
You won € 172.76
wp defix
why cant some RL admin delete all polish from earth, plz could someone answer my prayers!
zadnej niespodzianki ONLY ONLINE EASY WON !!!!!
2b3 obvious cheated :)
why isn't this couple of cunts banned yet.... why there is always some admin to freeze or ruin the NationsCup, instead of making something usefull.
NC is CB hosted
This match was ESL, Sir
I know.. I didn't blame you for nc :o) I put all admins in the same pocket. I meant, why actions against people not sticking to not so basic rules has faster repercussions than for example banning someone that is clearly cheating.
stopped reading after "I put all admins in the same pocket"
well when someone has an obvious wallhack on ETTV they should be banned and not just "but there is no hard evidence". just spec krychi on braudorf attack, the first couple of minutes or so. and i am saying this for every admin in every cup, not just you
not just krycha, sexupload is so bloody obvious, and he doesn't bother to hide it.
You have € 20 on 2b3
You won € 123.4
lol defix

You have € 12 on 2b3
You won € 74.04
thx 2b3 :*
You have € 40 on pl 2b3
You won € 246.8
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :o)
expected, even if we for once tried to play seriously in a 2on2
guid spoofer :)
Jealous fucking guys
nah wp :) but you guys just play like that guy thaumas and what did he had? nothing against you but maybe u were winning without so wp:)
wp?! WP??? did you watch ettv?

dude. they both sucked and then they paused. both vent 999. after they came back (from 999) they were both having high aim.

sexupload is even more obvious cuz he doesn't have movements. he just crouch and hope for the best ( 3 hs )
evryone know that.
but.. what about it ?
still fucking nothinq, thats weird.
yep I saw that. there gameplay is quite funny :) I am almost sure they use some kind of programm but they will get busted anyway. we'll see;)
hopefully rather sooner than later.... I don't wanna lose this cup because of them
If we get a demo where they are obvious cheating or wallhacking you can give us the demo or an avi with the demo and show it is him we can maybe ban them from CB. But only if we know sure they used something
it's ESL cup, so CB doesn't help :p
I guess if we can get demoproof for cb esl will ban them to:p
demoproof is also enough at ESL. So you dont need a CB ban to get someone banned on ESL oO
please xD
tak na bank :DDDDDDDD
You have 76 on 2b3
You won 468.92
buahahahahaha !! :D nice wh
You have € 10 on pl 2b3
You won € 61.7
EASY! :)
chuj wam w dupy haxy!
2b3 :d tak dalej grajcie z nejmami bede kase :d dostawal bo izi bash :D te wasze mecze :XD
You have € 100 on 2b3
You won € 617
You have € 20 on 2b3
You won € 123.4

lol..all my money:<
polaks allways win !
not all of them hax though
2on2 sux in 3on3 you will own them
we really pracced for this game ":D"
which u can see in our braun def, still we stood no chance vs them. And 2on2 isn't that different from 3on3 anyway
lol jakbyscie uzyli troche mozgu byscie przegrali ten mecz z kretesem i by sie od was odpierdolili ale musialiscie podkrecic zeby byl szpan ze z defix wygrane ^^l
ale co niby podkrecilismy :XD?
napewno nie mozg
a jednak wygralismy :>
i watched ettv.:
lol @wh seriously

sanda powns anyways
i specced them and there is nothing suspicious about them, they are clean.
r_shownormals 1 fov krycha :) n1ce :) fantastic movement, knowing and seeing
i lol'd irl when sexupload jumped with the obj to main down and aiming randomly somewhere and when sanda jumps in front of his view he shoots 3 hs like he had aimfov 360
didn't u just say that they are clean
hes a bit retarded, dont mind him ^^
There is a word sarcasmee
u didn't make it look like that :O
well he was more shooting on walls then on you :[
and still no one is going to do anything about it, woohoo, I so love this
Wat jij zei ja!
ye thats was obvious :D
ye it was becous you didn't have movement. you have no brains. your low without your bot.
you are an idiot..
haha you're more retarded then gnajda and circus together
3rd lol
kirchy shot wall at 9:31 in braundorf as allies, watch it with r_shownormals 1 , he shot his teammate behind a wall, then he shot another wall where sanda was..ifc he didnt hit, except wall heads lol, i am having fun watching this ettv
polish trash
You have € 45 on pl 2b3
You won € 277.65

izi money
spirea is a d2 botter so its even!
:< :*
what's wrong with d2 bot :<
wiecej haksow na scenie plz
You have € 6 on pl 2b3
You won € 37.02

cheaters always win
You have € 250 on 2b3
You won € 1542.5
Unexpected :)
krycha na b4 w ataku ladnie pierdolil w sciane a koles byl za ... plz kurwa
byl zaaaaa ? ; ooo nie jakaj sie
epic fail
wtf ?
oh dear - i didnt want to but I bet everything on defix haha :( now broke
sry, can't win a machine.
Chociaz byscie nie grali z tagami "polish power", po chuj sie macie utozsamiac i zaznaczac, ze jestescie polakami, jakby opinia byla za malo spierdolona. Nie bez powodu potem na pisza "no polakz"
a co Cie obchodzi jakie tagi mamy ? ;X
Another polish fuckers who are obvious
sanda and spirea ...NOT POSSIBLE wtf haxolaks
noooo, they were the cleanest guys ever !!! :XD :D
ok u cant loose all knew it :]
lose to guys that are med max in pracs and high+ in offi? yeah I can't :))
ettv give me power :u