vs (6849 views)

nl reVo
nl stib
nl Cobra
nl pds
nl infernal
nl abort
3on3 NC Netherlands Qualifiers
14.12.10 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: stiiib (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 49354
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 47


gl abort
GL vaillant :)

Ayoub :o

Shkar :*:*
gl mocrooo boyyyyyyyyyy!
gl stib, pds & abort :)
gl abort
gl stib
woo cobra hacker
GL stib !
gl charism
gl stib :P
gl stib& pds and infernal
gl charism! :D
gl both :-)
too e z for pds
goodluck charisms.
succes revo :) owner!
gl charism :)
gl janneke !
gl pds
izi for stib new mate =)
gl wouter
charism will triumph again.. rutger kavish en wouter, smeerlap snor snor!
HAHAHA cobra, etbot fan #1
you're barking up the wrong tree
maar jij wel 2x gebust toch is goed
ja nou en toch is goed?
hou maar gwoon weer je kkr bek hoor
graag, want je bent het niet waard om tegen te praten!
jij begint toch met tegen mij te praten? ook weer niet de slimste geloof ik of wel?
ja ik kwam er 3 comments geleden pas achter.
dank je man !!
hey anders kanker j even een eind op
wie praatte er tegen jouw? kanker nerd
sinds je hebt gezegd dat ik het niet waard was om tegen te praten, loop je alweer 2 keer te janken tegen me...
ik zeg dat je het niet waard bent! ik neem gewoon de tijd voor iedereen, ook al zijn ze minderwaardig!
wat ben jij een loser.
niveau kadeberoeps?

ga naar je afvalwagen gast...
kaderberoeps is gespeld met een 'r'
jij bent ook weer niet de slimste of wel...?
Hahahahah, die zit "kadeberoeps" pffffff :XD
hahaha op zijn teentjes getrapt :D kutkind :D
gl charism
gl shkar & infernal
gl vaillant<3
gl vaillant :)
gl stib and pds ;)
gl & hf both!
hf ayoub :-)
mijn moneys op revo's aimbot
gl vaillant!
best of luck wouter ;)
GL charism !
gl pds
infernal + pds; gl! ;d
gl vaillant :*
nou pds laat is zien of je worthy bent want gister.. omg! hah... even jou motiveren
gl shkar, tu es choqué <3
hf pds ;)
reVo = pds
stiib > infernal
Cobra < abortji

gonna be close tho
stib better than infernal? :XD
even then if he's standing on his right hand
revo is gonna deliver!
gl abort&pds
izi charism
You have € 204 on vai
Possible win: € 440.64
Stop betting on us, we will lose. Charism praccing hard 24/7 this will be our first time together =]
You have € 20 on vai
You lost

Couldn't you say it sooner? :P
Well thought we would play a warmup before the match guess not :P

Well played, anyway. :)
You have € 30 on reVo
Possible win: € 82.2
gl stib
iz for vaillant
You have € 50 on nl charism
Possible win: € 108.5

gg wp

You have € 934 on nl charism
Possible win: € 2026.78
You have € 100 on nl charism
You won € 217

Would just like to say that revo was terrible, as expected ;) luckily for charism they've got teamplay and ofc luckily the other team was playing bad
u mad cauze i'm stylin on you?
not really, would've loved to see you shoot properly, guess i will again, in a random scrim ;)
I think you are rather mad
k lost 200
You have € 3000 on nl charism
You won € 6510
wp gg

You have € 1248 on charism
You won € 2708.16
well fucking played!
abort wat doe je nou?
You have € 2000 on charism
You won € 4340

thx stib, expected anyway from still NICE clan ;)
not even close like expected.
Stop betting on us, we will lose. Charism praccing hard 24/7 this will be our first time together =]
expected :D

You have € 10 on charism
You won € 21.7

ty m8s :P
expected :D

You have € 10 on nl charism
You won € 21.7
You have € 290 on nl charism
You won € 629.3

thx pds
You have € 200 on nl charism
You won € 434
lol :-D
You have € 800 on charism
You won € 1736

You have € 3700 on nl charism
You won € 8029

expected :P
expected actually
lekker jongens :)
Ironic :))))))))))))
what :D??