#ALMIGHTY.ET vs Queens (6410 views)

gb Kamz
gb R0SS
gb crumbs
md eujen
gb razz
de kresti
15.07.11 01:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Jamie (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16622
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 47


night with queens [;
gl razz , kamz , ross
hf & gl R0SS
You have € 250 on Queens
Possible win: € 340

razz is everywhere on gamestv lately, take a break man
and ur in every ass crack, take a shower
hf eujen & razz
razz gaming 24/7, gl
wp boyz rematch! x(
soz 4 owning ur 17 winning streak
You have € 100 on ALMIGHTY
Possible win: € 803
Sacrée nouvelle, merci de faire partager!
Fais gaffe à force d'être mad H24 tu vas avoir un cancer.
razz mad now :D
Oh razz razz razz :-)
me so mad eujen cannot into brain
you have to thank me the 17 wining spree piece of shit :D
nice face 8D!
Should've let me play like I pmmed you on IRC!! <3
really queens, REALLY? how fucking unstable can you be? piece of lows :L
ok team
1K on almighty = 8030 win. how do i know? cuz i won HELL YEA NIGGGUHHHZZZ
np m8, always have faith in ALMIGHTY
You have € 2222 on Queens
You lost

how could i not bet on best player in et...