tohaj vs Provok (3375 views)

14.04.12 16:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 1on1 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: ToHaj (Requestee)
Maps: Multi_huntplace
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Total Pot: € 4391
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


provok why don't you want to play against me ? let's play everyone wants to see it !!!
becuz I play only against skilled oppos, and you aren't one of them 8)
skilled oppos, for example tohaj.

rNk xD u got nailed
yes Provok, having 2nd place in 1on1 ladder, playing like a shit ; DD
fuck that missclick :(

You have € 1500 on fr Provok
You won € 1560
mec j'ai voulu lancer une grenade sur Silly j'ai lancé un AS a la place :D du coup j'ai perdu le 1er round xD
wanna learn this trick :D
Faut avoir des gros doigts comme moi et tu pourras reussir a appuyer sur "4" et "5" en meme temps :D
brb going to l'opération chirurgicale :D Jme demande à quoi servent tes gros doigts :p
il a les doigts de derynn . bim /D
Tohaj 3-1 4eveah xD