Cortana vs Authentic Gaming (11334 views)

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#ET-Cup Final
22.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Manager: SPU9 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 22327
The bets are closed.

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Language: Polish

Total Slots: 100
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Enemy Territory TV
de #aGu - ETTV by
By: lagg3r (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
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By: trimmi (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)
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By: mUnduS (ettvd)
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 237


gl Authentic ^^
thats gonna be a rly intresting game !
cortana for siur !
hard for cor
gl Cortana Callisto > auth
cya @ lan
yea cu @ ggt :)
are you sure about ur attendance at GGT?? i heard some cu @ lan(not directly to me) from auth players before and now i have to say i'm a bit dissapointed :/ you didn't even give a reason not to participate in CDC4. is there gonna be any statement from players/team managers ? coz i'm sure that alot of ppl would like to know what's going on ? i mean mamy foreigners had daubts about your performance during matches and now you just gave them another opportunity to believe in lack of actual skill of yours.

regards, your greatfan
they gave, read crossfire abit next time.
quote from news i've read: Authentic - No reason supplied...
unofficial statement written below the post (in comments) by a member of the clan still gives good and reasonably believeable reasons
you guys won't go anyway
go rimi :)
auth oFC gl dialer & krein !! <3
gg gL both
If everything goes all right this should be our lineup
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gogoogog auth!!!
gl krein - dialer
lol cu@LAN!!
GL Cortana !
go Auth!
gl auth!!
GL Authentic Gaming and particularly hu phobeus!
nice to see frozz back in action :)
GL diAler & naga <3
gogo AUTH!!!!!! =]
Dialer & Krein HF!! OFC AUTH !!
gl FroZzen
2 ez 4 cor!
need chaplja @ cortana
all on zMk
ez for polish cops, students, and brothers
easy for you writing @ 02:02
and whats wrong with this ?
you have something in common with them, mr.skillZ
yea in common ;) owning n1ce without any problem :DDDDDD mr. big name
No, the fact that you both are cheating cunts.

And yes, winning a few games versus us counts as true OWNING. Fucking online hero. Your skill rollercostering was amazing during LAN signup/unexpected dropout period.
hahahaha any proofs? and we dropped out because we have no sponsor, ask kot if he would attend cdc/cpc without any sponsoring ;D you can come to ggt and watch authentic playing; oh noes i forgot that it is polish lan with low skillers where you can own without wallhack ;( but you accused every fucking lowskilled polak, what a shame :)

gl frozz & rimi
gl cortana
the mama guy "chameleoning" to every nation...
GL Auth !!!!!!!!!!
gl fobje :)
all on Auth :) gl
gl 2 both teams
auth for sure
Would be bad that the history of the ET-cup would end with Authentic as winners.
why ? Authentic aint cheaters..

GL both teams!
I hope your joking LoL
Why dont they go to CDC then ?
If its the only and real reason then its sad for them.
common sense is the best guide ever. what does it tell you?
You just saying that because you play there, fucking asslicker
No, not really. "asslicker" maybe stfu dude. Always they must be cheating if they are better than you. RIGHT ?
Poltards vs Crotards. :o
gl hrvatska!
gogo Cortana!
in b4 fail <I am very disappointed with mama's faggotry>
gl, cro & mama :*
go go go Auth :D izi bash!
GL Michalek , dialer !
michalek isnt playing (xAv is)
2-0 auth
score ?
2-2 :<<<< I THINK
-- -- WTF 2 mins to go and kicked/temp/banned from server WTF is that about ????????
some retard spammers was there
gg wp :O)XD
2-2 atm
nice game Authentic, gg
You have € 250 on Auth
Possible win: € 532.5
4-2 auth
haxors won :,(
can you show us some details about their haxes?
no, i dont want
Tak vis jak pride me to dost ujety, bud je teda musime usvedcit nebo drzet hubu. Tohle joo haxori s polska je dost trapny nepride ti?
Great game to watch, congrats to Auth :)

4 -2
knew it from yesterday cortana would lose:d
@naga: don't hate the wall, hate the game.
You have € 47 on pl Auth
Possible win: € 100.11
gratz auth

n1 one :) but I lost my money ;< auth GJ ;))
congrats auth wp both
You have € 302 on pl Auth
You won € 643.26
nice supply thx :)
naga pure skill
nice kill vs frozz xD
iseedeadpeople imo
Yoohooo :* gg Auth

You have € 106 on Auth
You won € 225.78
Total Money 1198.99 €
Winning Percentage 100 %
Gambling Stats ( Rank 3 / 2,279 )

<3 Auth \o/
You have € 42 on pl Auth
You won € 89.46

i lold at frozz's and rimi's comments :D:D
whats so funny about gg naga?
noo i mean that "that was a really expected kill naga" and "is there any point in hiding against you?" :D:D:D
where did i say it was about you? :)
thanks for money
You have € 19 on Cor
You lost :X
You have € 29 on pl Auth
You won € 61.77
auth rules :P
************* NAGA BUSTED****************

All the drama & interviews over at

-His mother: yes he small p*nis
-His brother: it was meee!
-His friends: ..... Hello?

************* NAGA BUSTED****************