ten team to tragedia vs MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS (4174 views)

pl Robaciek
pl Seigen
pl Voodoo
pl samraj
pl w1lko
pl hassaN
de Fendah
de laNgo
de rAMOZ
at DrLagAlot
be eden

CB ET 6on6 Ladder

Participate in the ClanBase Ladder Activity Challenge!
25.03.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11702
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


w1lko swój chłopak solo wdz :D
hf all - gl samraj
You have € 15 on mMONKEYS
You have € 10 on de mMONKEYS
You have € 250 on mMONKEYS
You have € 119 on de mMONKEYS
Possible win: € 215.39
dont trust in me x)
gl wilko
You have € 100 on pl #T4
Possible win: € 259
hassan banned ?
he was banned, served his 6 months CB ban and returned for some games.
ôoo kurwa cheat w naszych szeregach ?
jaki czit, raz odpalił głupek na tzacu i dostał
kgo lubisz temu wierzysz - kogo nie temu nie
od tamtej pory bana nie wyłapał :D
wilko le faggot

hassan2v2 nerds
You have € 345 on #T4
You lost

gg noobs
gl mM
gl eden
nie no robercik szacuneczek... hassan w teamie, w1lko, voodoo wszystko pieknie ale szkoda ze szefo taki slaby xDD
GL w1lko WDZ XD
Robaciek mad! :D hf Kalli, mM!
gl Voodoo
hf dr. gibnothing
is that so?
You have € 10 on de mMONKEYS
You won € 19

hajs się zgadza!
gg wp

iam so low :/
wp germans :)))
hanas ?