turbot vs to Make odds even (5516 views)

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ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Lower Bracket Round 1
09.06.13 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 44988
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


our last game has been cancelled and gonna be replayed on this sunday.
EZ tMoe
chce ktos kupic troche biznesu od szefa?

tego biznesu? to ja podziekuje :D
pls couldnt care less:D zapasy biznesu sa bezpieczne i nie uzywane:D
widze niby wyjebane ale biznesisz o spota na mecz typie!
u didnt get the joke man ;[
so nice of tmoe to replay this :P

tmoe #1
znajdz mnie na ircu i daj pomoce :XD tzak sie znajdzieXD
gl twidi
tMoe ~ grzesiek sober ;)
Thx tmoe for replaying this :)))

Next time better admin work pls :) Didnt know what shitstorm could rise for using a merc what our oppo allowed :)
Anyway this shit should have discussed in that EC channel and not in some private shit where u can suck each others cock when making decisions. It was nice that turbot or tmoe(?) opinion never asked. (well tmoe clearly said that they dont wanna forfeit win lol!) If this all is Kevin fault again.... fuck u!

No hate towards anyone peace and love <3
yes blame admins for beeing a terrible clanleader :)
sportsmanship forever Swani :) its 2013 why should we care, anyways gonna play sober this sunday so I expect challenging game :P
You know what WestCoast niggas is gon' tell me?
This is too WestCoast!
jebanie w srake bez gumy :)))
cancelled we arent able to get 6 today + dont want to listen mad ppl on ts, gl turbot in next round