alliancze blue team vs cat in a hat (4820 views)
16.06.13 21:15 CEST
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | wenm (Requestee) | |
Maps: | Radar | |
Bremen_b3 | ||
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17
Viewer Peak: 17
Wednesday, 12th June 2013 20:58
best of luck cze!
thx hope we all will have pings under 250 :D
check server before match and inform admin in time if it sucks, dont play it with shit ping! some years ago we played nc match against japan on some trash server, because pings had to be balanced... never ever again...
:D noone cares welcome @ clownbase
of course we care, but we aren't going to force a team to play versus 6 CZ players on a CZ server because 1 of the 12 players on the server has a high ping
how would you feel about having to play vs 6 NL players on a NL server or vs 6 PL players on a PL server?
how would you feel about having to play vs 6 NL players on a NL server or vs 6 PL players on a PL server?
we wanted to switch to another server after the first map doesnt matter if cze or not and you said that we should find server with good pings for everyone and they dont give a f**k and you dont care apparently so thx for doing nothing.... its as if i didnt write you for help cose we play all game on server where my mate has 250+ ping
adventuress (is that you?) was insisting the match be played on a CZ server, claiming that there is a rule stating "our map, our server" which is not true
I was ingame at the moment myself and therefore didn't have much spare time to argue about it, so I simply told them to find a server with decent pings for all
I was ingame at the moment myself and therefore didn't have much spare time to argue about it, so I simply told them to find a server with decent pings for all
which they didnt so thx for doing nothing btw you are doing it good so keep it up and do it some place else
and if you are talking about the rules it was up to you to find the server that fits to everybody thats the real rule from cb 6on6 OC rules
"It is be up to the clans to agree on a single server to play on. If they cannot agree then the referee will pick the fairest server"
which you did...oh w8 :DDD
and if you are talking about the rules it was up to you to find the server that fits to everybody thats the real rule from cb 6on6 OC rules
"It is be up to the clans to agree on a single server to play on. If they cannot agree then the referee will pick the fairest server"
which you did...oh w8 :DDD
not my fault that you and your teammates are so adamant about playing on a CZ server
over 150 teams signed up for EC & OC this season - it is rather impossible for us to sit on the server and babysit for every single match
over 150 teams signed up for EC & OC this season - it is rather impossible for us to sit on the server and babysit for every single match
and there is still 150 teams in semifinals.....oh w8
lol bro i feel bad for u
how much bullshit do u face
how much bullshit do u face
It's not the fact we lost that made me sad, but the whole thing with you guys from Clanbase. You have Sunday semifinals matchday and there is no admin available. It took XX minutes to get the response and for what?
It's just in damn rules that admin should select fair server, but really instead of even trying if the ping would not be fair you just refused to do anything (and now you claim you was busy playing a game? :X)
And I dont want to speak about unwritten rule of switching servers after one map in case of bad pings. But that's up to opponents mind, I guess the vision of 2nd league crown was more tempting, geez..
It's just in damn rules that admin should select fair server, but really instead of even trying if the ping would not be fair you just refused to do anything (and now you claim you was busy playing a game? :X)
And I dont want to speak about unwritten rule of switching servers after one map in case of bad pings. But that's up to opponents mind, I guess the vision of 2nd league crown was more tempting, geez..
pings had to be balanced because it was NC , would you rather have japanese players with 400--500 ping while you have 50? ha ha , you are sad.
Japans played with 200-300 ping always, if they played Europeans. If you say its fair for us "50 pingers" to play against people with 300+ ping, when they clearly got used to it before and played like that for years, you are wRóNg : /
but ofcourse I wouldnt want to win against anyone, who havent got the chance... Its not easy to find good solutions, but equal ping is not one in this situation, I think
but ofcourse I wouldnt want to win against anyone, who havent got the chance... Its not easy to find good solutions, but equal ping is not one in this situation, I think
It has always been a good solution in the nc to play in servers where both teams had neutral pings. Whining about it makes no sense. Its a nations cup...even when they got "used to it" in the nationscup it must be fair for everyone.
So according to your logic, starving african children shouldn't need to eat as much as you because they have been starving since the day they were born.
Every match I've played agaisnt these guys was filled with "drama" since they always wanted server swaps because 1 of them always lags like shit. Just so you know, if your team mate was the only one with 250+ ping / the majority of players had no lag whatsoever, it means it wasn't the server's fault.
i dont talk about some "bad" server i know he has f**ked up connection to some server but when other team dont even want to try some of the other servers so its perfectly clear that they dont care about fair game...
That is the worst argument i've seen in a long time... So basically what you are trying to say is that you guys know that his connection is fucked up, yet you whine at your opponents in random mirc wars and at CB admins about people not wanting to play on a cze server (because it seems like cze servers are the only place where he doesn't lag). It has nothing to do with fairplay. It would be hilarious having to play every map on a different server just because 1 of your players has shit connection.
i said "some of the other servers" !!!!!!
Well, judging by your previous matches and your previous comments directed towards the CB admins, I'd say "some of the other servers" is basically every server with very few exceptions.
Give up mate :D
he mad
he mad
Which reminds me off Justin Timberlake.
"Cry me a river"
"Cry me a river"
Sklamaku trhej!!Jinak gl Tezaxo,Quish!:)
gl caybro
oh wait :C
oh wait :C
gl hazz
skoro bych zapomel
gl qusiho :D
gl qusiho :D
gl lions
gl blue