#paradise.et vs brudii (3941 views)

cz tezaxo
cz rifleman
cz sklamak
de hAVOC
de g4mma
us ecLipse

CG EU ET Season 1 Tournaments
3on3 Division 6
Upper Bracket Final

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11.05.14 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 1: 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: -Paradox- (Requestee)
Maps: Erdenberg_t1
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Total Pot: € 6032
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


Not this shit again
gl faggots
ur the faggot LAD
gl guys
at this point shoutout to the admin who is responsable for this cup.

very good scene knowledge u have...putting paradise into 6th div while they win easily against ppl u put into 3rd div
You're in charge next season.

e: I guess we probably should have put you in 7th division but you used gb Gnome this season so I am pretty glad we didn't.
Gnome just played one game which we lost plus at that point we were already qualified for the tournament stage :p
We're in the upper bracket final, so why are you saying we shoud be in the 7th div?
challenge accepted
This is really your way of raging/getting mad, isn't?

e: I always wondered, how you reacted when dts went afk in broadcasting (sadly :(, cus he was good at it), with your sponsored money?
Wish I would have seen you get mad then.
That way, we had something to laugh about regarding you.
Once again you have no idea what you are talking about.
So once again:
You gonna tell me that I'm wrong?
You didn't sponser his broadcast?
He is still broadcasting as we speak?
And you didn't get mad (this last one is just pure speculation)?

Yes, you are wrong, I did not sponsor his broadcast. I have no idea where you got that idea from, but if you want to try to look smart on the internet you should do a little research first.

e: thanks
Seriously, do you really want me to go through the broadcasts to actually get the time stamp were it literally is mentioned and confirmed you payed them?

e: np. getting mad, aren't you? 7th div my ass, see what this gets you? Madness, I tell you ':DDDDDDDDDDD
e2: sincerly,thanks for 'your' democrew!'
Be my guest - I never gave them money.
When I'm wrong, I admit it, how foolish that can make look.
it wasn't you apparently, no idea how I could confuse EliManninggiants with you.
Unless it's your account? :D
That is co torM. Try thinking before typing next time.

Regarding the divisions: it's not as easy as you and your friends might think to divide 50+ teams up evenly, especially when most lineups are not yet complete at the time the divisions are made. We've never claimed to be experts at this, which is one of the reasons all teams get the chance to swap divisions before the cup actually starts. Saying we don't have a good knowledge of the scene simply because one of the teams in your division is stronger than you expected is a bit unfair.

And what does the democrew have to do with any of this?
I apologize this time.
I was wrong.

Just for the record: paradise is an underrated team, especially the player tezaxo.
Mayhap we're in the right div, but paradise isn't.
I am Elimanninggiants in the tiwtch.tv , to answer your question I "didnt react" at all when "dts went afk with my sponsor money" , to be honest I just donated because I enjoyed watching them and thats pretty much it, sadly they never made that cup they promised but is not like I care rlly, after all I donated in total like $70 or so which dont represent much money for me but it was good enough for the prize pool of that cup that never happened (and I earned that money in 2 hours playing poker, which I have the video btw lol). Totally not mad , dunno what this conversation is about but I saw my name :P Bye!
Yes, I'm also sorry towards you.
If I had known it was you, I would have been quiet.
You're the one who indirectly helped me ALOT in et.
Still no idea how I could confuse one of your nicknames with the nickname: "embarrassed" :s
My memory is normally pretty good, but now.. :s
I even found the timestamp in less than 5 mins.
Just made a fool out of myself this time. They will say it's not the first time, but that' s a discussion I don't want to start again.

My apologies mate
seems like u embarrassed urself :S hehehe
Yes, I should just delete those comments.
but that would make a kapot out of me.
My first and last appearance of the year :DDDD
we can let you win this one so you dont drop to 7th division .)
no need to let us win, I will probably lag out anyway so you win by default otherwise you are shit.

since when is quish shit? Achi
ruhig vincent
Was machen achi
erneut mein gehänge mit einem zahnstocher malträtieren.
und du?
mein skrotum steckt seitner stunde im staubsauger ich hau mir die kimme weg
ich bin jetzt noch mehr erregt...
bin schon öfters gekommen alles klebt hier ich komm hier nicht weg mein piephahn klebt am staubsauger :( ich schmier gleih ein bisscheh margarine dann müsste es gehen
versuch es mal mit der hornhautraspel, mit der du dir deine klabusterbeeren entfernt hast, die du um deinem anus herum angesammelt hattest
Könnte auch funktionieren mein pimmel ist schon ganz rot hornhaut hatter auch nicht mehr das wird interessant vllt hilfts wenn ich eine spritze desinfektionmittel in mein schwanzloch spritze
Fütter ihr ego nicht :D
Stop your fuxking crying and frag
Huh?? Dis was just random comment, no need to flame 5 pages :D
so fucking bad rly
It's a pretty good read though :DDD
gl mrdaci doufam ze se na vas muzu spolehnout a vlozit na vas nemaly obnos sveho nemaleho jmeni

You have € 50 on paradise
Possible win: € 92.5
Ja hrat nebudu, nastoupi lavicka...
chces mi rict ze 50e je moc?:D jak moc zalozne zalozne je ta vase 3v3 lavicka?
sklamak, rifleman a nakej treti co pozvedne uroven tymu aspon na to low+
cpu neni clenem teamu, ale kdyby si chtel zahrat, tak neni problem :D
nice shit load of text we got here on this match page, keep it up
high match = shitload of text
I like how you are getting rifleman and shit against us, quite pathetic if you ask me :)
Well i didnt ask you... Rifleman will play because he is avi and he didnt play any 3o3 so far because of cgac. Also I dont remember you winning even when i played with 2 guys from noquarter, so it doesnt make a difference.
whining on the roster is not pathetic at all
? I guess you are dumb or hard on english, this is a legitimate reason to call this shit pathetic, you aren't playing in 2nd league, and your ego is even more pathetic
pac A pusu
Come to your IRC and give me ip pw maybe
check cybergamer maybe
You have € 243 on cz paradise
You won € 289.17
expected :D