TAG vs TurboApinat Sponsored by #a.ToOn (13312 views)

nl Hope
nl Abort
gb Muditza
gb Ross
be Bobot
hr aCoZz
fi olBaa
fi kapaa
fi Metsuri
fi Swanidius
fi Morin
fi HardyRah
Qualifier Match
22.09.08 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bartichello (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 74286
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: duKe_
Listen to duKe_
Language: Czech

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 35

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #37th Division ETTV2
By: T.Spark (ettvd)

de #a.Toon TV
By: neobsen (ettvd)

de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

de kai.eyeshoot.de
By: ng (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

gb #Anti-Gaming ETTV
By: derbinator (ettvd)
gb #YCN-Hosting ETTV #1
By: ycn (ettvd)
gb dFAULT - ETTV - Broadcast
By: Syko12345 (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)

xx #mx.org ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 194


its bullshit
EC qual cause they were 2nd in SC .. i rofld: (
they finnished 2nd @ 1 division
ye me and my team were 3rd but we lost against fif 0-4 like them and its not fair ..
tA} exists since 2006.
you are as obvious as dispo players
you also got Rodia who has been busted
tA} maybe exist since 2006 but not the same squad
we are not obviouse
where he has beed banned ?
show me the ban, if he have been busted he probably is banned
CF is a league, oh didn't know sry
buhahahaha pls
sheep is also banned but that doesn't mean anything
Sheep is was banned for cheating? nice
Killerboy as 1st ET BAN GOD ^^'
Sheep is was banned for cheating? nice

sry english please

your busted Rodia @ lan : http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=onlineonlyuk5.jpg
they beat re-play devilry at lan.
then again.. its a polish lan, i dont trust it :D
i knew someone would say that! :-)
TAG <3
np 4 hardyrah
Voi vittu...

KRP EC:he jos tälläsetkin lownoobit sinne on pääsemäs ::::::::::D

#krp.et cu @ cc5
nii vittu!
meitsii sanottii uudeks jawaks tänää!
MOi jawaaaaa :) missä oot ollu?
Täällähän minä.
vittu mut linee
where is accurate ?
we're playing who?
fi olBaa
fi kapaa
fi Metsuri
fi Swanidius
fi Morin
fi HardyRah

:DDD <3

n1 stealing our quali by using tetsi! :D gl anyway tag pwn their asses show them they dont deserve the quali anyway
SHHH you had dunz! :D
wat's wrong with dunz? :o
he told killerboy about frosty/junky afaik so acc got in EC d:
as far as i know....acc isnt anymore
dont know, wasnt my point anyway ;]
soz mate, i got money from TA for busting eager
snitch, bitch
U sound like a cheater...no mercy on cheaters/cheatcoders...use WHATEVER it takes to bust...if i had alot of money i would be happy to pay for goons to hunt down cheatcoders (and cheaters for that matter) irl...yes its xtreme but i really dont care...u ruin smth for me and ill be happy to ruin u...
tA would've steamrolled you clowns in a direct battle, so they deserve the spot in quali
Should be ezi win for kapaa and metsuri ;) gl guys
tag all the way.
ez for ta!
gl olbaa :XDDD 4e blood :XD
loel kapaa
Radio Commentary in finnish by OldenSan
all money on tag
GL abort <333333333333333333333
Should be a nice game, gl tag & olbaa
Voi vittu...

KRP EC:he jos tälläsetkin lownoobit sinne on pääsemäs ::::::::::D

#krp.et cu @ cc5
vittu jos krp joskus ikinä tulee pääsee välierii EC:ssä, ET on kuollu....
On siellä paskempiaki tiimejä ollu
ei tuu kyl montaa mielee
Ollaan KRP:llä/mascuilla voitettukin monia EC-tiimejä joten stfu vitun pannuviiksi
gl olbaa & metsurii :)
cheers mate, gl @ ec :)
no Sukka no win...
Taidanpa betata suomalaisille :), GL

gl ec skillors
GL Swani, kapaa ja metsuri
GL HardyRah :)
i guess, since this is like the 3th/4th choice for the last EC quali spot, TAG shouldnt worry to much
hi hi, I'm at school lmao. On my iPhone :). This is random isn't it
iizi mani, ta fosho!
gl TAG!
aivan vitun naurettavaa :DDDDDDDDDD
gl R0SS & overdrive :) xx
Easy for TAG
gl over m8 , @ olbaa dont fail like always ,

TAG can take it izi!
Next time dont fail idd, go back to ur cave cheaterlover !
2ez 4 tag
as i wrote before i wouldnt careless if we lose this ecquali, atleast there wont be any cheaters (cs3r, accurate) involved in the ec, so gtfo cheaterlover.
but 2ez for tag
would be even easier if u were playing instead of tA.

And now gtfo with ur envy since It is ur own fault that u lost this place.
Gl, mates. Tsempin teita taalta kreikasta :)
You have € 465 on tA }
Possible win: € 1292.7
Gl finnish bots :) gl ! money on ya
Good luck olbaa and swani!
its last qual match?
no, Incomplete is gonna play wnc tomorrow
apinat vie
gl Metsuri!!!11 my fuckin love and money are in your hands :)
gl abort, rtcw pwnie!
GL Polakvoice(read olBaa) , Haxidius, Metsuri n morin
It was you who i called as "polakvoice" 1st, sorry but you really do sound like polish ;'<
Hahaha you are the right person to criticize someone's voice
gl tA
gl TAG, abort ftw
go taaaaaA
ALL IN FOR tA!!! (5e)
gl acZ
eazy bash for olbaaa!
gl kapaa&metsuri :<
izi for TAG hf !!
You have € 500 on fi tA } Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1290 GOOOOO
go TAG! :-)
gl tag
gief mony ta
gl hope & abort
yea duKe :)
You have € 5000 on eu TAG Cancel bet
Possible win: € 7350
fucking ta is gonna lose :|
That bobot guy is without any kidding , the worst guy i've ever seen playing in my life , his strafing is worse then some skynet random, his brain , well no need to discuss , aim :DDDDDDDDD , 30 bullets to gib 2 guys , Sensitivity = 50 , can't control his own sense, so sad to see someone play in EC like that

he played EC last season also!
Have you ever watched the replay of you in the final? That was fucking hilarious.
When i got 2nd damage overall of our team? Ye that was idd hilarious , same in SF vs germany btw

Go find another girl over Inet
like damage means shit in an offi ...
ye your right , ACC means everything
ye your right, maus isn't really important in any offi, damage means shit, 100% agreed
your reply skills are improving with the minute, this one makes even more sense than the last !
you're confusing players with statistics

damage only means shit when it's dealt at the right times in the right places, otherwise it's just a figure on a screen.
Ye, I've been searching for one but no luck so far :(!
cdc4 rifle pro is speaking ladies and gentlemen.
Thx, basing yourself on 1 shot , funny, anyway i don't need to explain myself , achievements say enough (yours too btw)
I am awed by the greatness of your achievements. You can achieve everything in this game, though you will never achieve sanity.
sanity_ ' Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. ' so what you are actually saying is that you don't have any reason at all to flame at him right ? :D
Exactly, I do not argue with social degenerates.
So how come you play with overdrive than?
Thank you for validating my point.
No problem, come validate it at cc5
I'll be there, like I was there last 3 times.
Will you stop using the translator next time?

Crossfire awards : Attending school..once in a while!

You're the MAN
Yes, I use an online translator to translate every single sentence I write on an internet forum.
Crossfire awards : Attending school..once in a while!

You're the MAN
You found my crossfire profile, I must admit, I didn't expect you to be able to do such a complicated process.
Crossfire awards : Attending school..once in a while!

You're the MAN
Nationality: Belgian
Better than a terrorist country
belgiums pwns

Fuck Yeah
You love internet abit too much.
gij zijt stoer met dat schoon engels van u, amaai zeg.
tu madre es una puta de mierda, ahora la mierda de mi cara con su falso Inglés mierda


good luck
No translation needed to understand that random flame.
so what exactly are you doing now then ( watching it from your point of view then ), btw i want to thank you, you have just showed me in 3 comments that you actually still care about the things we are flaming, you made me feel important again!!!!
You are right, I should have not reacted at all.
he did finish 3rd in that event if i remember correctly, must have been because he was the worst rifle there!
completely agree
riflenade is made for aimless noobs like you. even reviving is too big problem for you.. "omg reviving acc 24,5%" gl in EC be birdz ( without wings )
reviving acc 24.5 % ? wtf, i can't even remember missing more then 1 revive in a match , btw say that to xylos or raveneye .
Too bad you aren't banned here ,it's so quiet without mental retards on crossfire, when will they unban you?
already unbanned moron
did i hurt your feelings or something?
No, you hurt my eyes
don't take it personal please, he just doesn't like people that fast, especially not when they are 27? years old, knowing that they were 4 hours on mystics pc on cdc ( nolife ? ) and then shouting around like they have won the lottery or smth ( 4 years old child ? ) nevertheless, luckily we are still playing on pc and not on xbox 360 cuz if i have to imagine that he has to be watching your face ( integrated webcam ? ) the whole game while you were playing he might have made it more personal !

but as you can see nothing special to flame about





I understand your whine now when you played against me and uh 2 other mates. You're such a flamer, egoboy and flamer that you can't even respect the people against who you are playing. gn8 :)
he didnt get enough love as a kid or something
first time i have to agree with you:D
To be honest it was pretty sad to see you play EC too. It's been kind of a joke ever since.
well, tbh, vila got a little bit further as bobot
I hope we'll meet in the groups (because you won't make it any further), paki
your reply skills are improving with the minute, this one makes even more sense than the last !
k zal me inhouden

thank you ziff, for deleting you comment o:
I'm happy atleast someone understands me!

if that one makes even more sense than the last one, then you and me friend are on the same page!
its pretty hard to takes this stuff serious anyway :D
omg you replied this is the best day ever ^^LIO SO KAWAII~~~~^^
go sing another song gayasshippy

zzz random belgians who flame on the internet that look like dorks. Gooday
tbh it's kinda sad to see you play .
Just watched the gr def for 5 minutes and his aim was OK, it looks a bit high but he aimed well. Maybe he was tired later i didnt watch the whole match.
It's like sens 50 ,but then not controlled
slept 4 hours and we havent pracced with a full lineup yet. Got raged by atoon b4 the quali. Anyways, I dunno what all the fuzz is about. I couldnt care after 5 mins into the game, with all respect to them, they seemed even less prepared then us.

ggs cs3r, acc and tA

rather have played OC then getting bashed in EC groups but we'll try to enjoy it :)
How does "not pracced with a full lineup yet" affect your aim?
it does actually
it does actually.
though this whole "conversation" (you can't even call it conversation actually) is ridiculous and there's no need for him to even justify himself against random flame like that.
let them talk overfail.. we all still love you np

P.S: they don't know you all the time are overexcited @ offi + they hates your magnetic landmines
You talking so "pro" in game is just hilarious when we see you play

"Oh im on ettv"
" Ross nice jump"

just so sad
so true
What is score now?
TAG made almost full hold @ tank (GR) :D
2-0 TAG
ta are fucking shit, like giving a ec quali to cwg
Score ?
metsuri EC SKILLED

4-0 TAG
4-0 easy TAG
wp tag this could be your EC!
this match was a fucking JOKE! x'DDDDDd
Pretty lol
gratz TAG, gl!
aCoZz <3
Thx For money TAG ! gg
awesome match!
got bored after 5minutes ...
You have € 59 on fi tA }
You lost

Morin removed you as a buddy!

I wished gl to tag, because i thought tA wouldn't need luck =( What a disappointment.
dunno why TAG dont take mAv into EC, hes blatantly better than all of the people in this lineup
played lads
tA just proofed they deserved an Qualy invite.
who cares, rather play in OC than in EC and getting out after 3 games.
rather have the pride of saying I played in EC (but considering ur Olbaa... different story?)
i don't agree, rather (maybe) win oc than getting raped in ec.
I already played ec so who cares!
"getting out after 3 games" => you're speaking of TAG?

If yes, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
eh, i am not talking about tag, so hf and try to guest again what i mean with it.
You have € 5000 on eu TAG
You won € 7400
wtf olBaa!! how could you fail?