Switchback vs Mtech (6112 views)

ru Chronic
ca Rossko
ca Mission
ch Nickoloi
us Goldenaim
us Breezy
us Espo
eu Switchback *(3-0)
us Mtech *(1-2)
01.12.08 02:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Evil Territory League North America
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: chronic111 (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 20220
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de kai.eyeshoot.de
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)

xx #mx.org ETTV
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


GL me & my mates!

izi for Mtech :S
GL missioN
gl me& the team
gl chronic easy money again you guy's winning the season easily and now you picked up mission omg chronic,rossko,mission -----> easy season win.
then they play neb and anim 1v3's them :D.
1.) hop off his dick. 2.) they have alot of teamwork 3.) you shouldn't be talking at all your not better then chronic rossko nor mission shit and nicko is to 4.) think what you want this is an easy season for them ;D they'll all amaze you. 5.) and after they win the season i guarantee you'll switch from anim's little penis to there penis's.
lol, let him alone, it looks like he loves it, ..., to suck cocks, :D hf mistaken
mission, if you had been on switchback for more than a day you'd know that me and chronic fuck around with each other all the time. The comment was meant as a joke, and judging by chronic's response he understood it. Go bench for poutine and qc some more if your so "pro".
what are you talking about chronic didn't even say anything haha i was just talking to chronic about this conversation yesturday he wants to marry me but hes to low skilled to do it i need someone on butchji's skill level thats my hubby!
nah, the problem is that u dont like me, same thing for me. So, if it was a joke, sorry, I cant know.
You surely aren't riding dicks either.
actually i'm not :) im just speaking the truth
hi chronic
gl mission
gl switchback <3
omg espo ^_^
oh god rossko i thought you guys were gonna vs nebs wtf?
Mission je t'aime. <3
GL MissioN You sexy beast. DA FUUCKKK!!! GET SKILL!
GL mission :D <3
omg rossko why do you play with him D:
bcuz i am in repairshop :(
i gues there some more canadians to pick than mission lol
gl rossko ;]
now that i have espo in the team we automatically fail.
swb'' ch 3.33 - 1.80 us /// :D??
ezwin for mtech plz put $$$ on them :)
nah ppl put all your moenai in sb since rossko rules!
all suck. [besides u know who 8D]
rockstar's motto "all suck besides rossko" :D
Goldenaim's mom will ground him from the computer for saying the word crap on vent, leaving mtech to play 3v2
well that would suck....doubt it would happen. espeicially when sammy will be our sub too :D
You have € 42 on ch swb'' Cancel bet
Possible win: € 181.86

My et is broked =(=(=(
ok one less noob to worry about :P jk
Manager: chronic111 (Requestee)

how many is that? like 8?
Omg Go Breezy, do it for Obama!
hahh , i should !
gl ma mission : D
Go Switchback
Go Switchback !
go switchback! haha
nice english mission
damn nice bets


You have € 30 on us /// Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1545.6
match is at 8 pm like always guys EST time
default time's is actually at 9 pm EST but. w.e 8 sounds good to
You have € 403 on ch swb'' Cancel bet
Possible win: € 415.09
gl goldenaim :D<3
gl ESPO coz your need it <3 my puta lover

and gl mission big cock sucker
You have € 10593 on ch swb'' Cancel bet
Possible win: € 11122.65
You have € 541 on swb''
Possible win: € 568.05
stop sucking mission, he sucks, im god, gl breezy own

You have 9000 on ///
Possible win: 180 000$
k, get pc and join my clan.
i heard gabji has a hack
PB HACK #130035 Gabji =]Kx3[= Nov 30, 2008
u hack
u hack
Yur a hackor? sick
wow a random talking... gtfo
and you are?
hes yenkom the random i guess
xD fake name u wank face
anyways i pwned ur shit USA players
wtf u talkin bout u fukin mongol....u never played vs me so shut yo mouf u stupid fat bastard
gtfo ur low+ randoms
stfu ,stop actin like you are something when u are nuthing but low shit,unknown fuk
unknown:))) stopped playing cuz im tired of nonames like u bb massive fag
ye you quit et because u were getting owned by randoms like me :)))
flexi i don't mean to get into this kiddish conversation and start problem's not being an ass or anything but if you knew who he really was you would know he's better then you like that. ;P
ah mate .. i dont know him+ u dont know me...you dont know how good/bad i am + i wud play him any time , and he called usa players shit....well canadians arent close to top countries either
i'v seen you play bro :P
no u havent :DD who r u anyway.. :D
some no namer that wish's he was good lawl xP
he does pwn your fuckign face
i dont wish i was good ,but im certainly better than yenkom
osti qui se fait owner:PP chu sure qui joue med- max. :DDDDDDD quand nous on a pwner des 1337 s, osti quon est puissant
trop mon gars :DD:D:D:D:D

viens vent
your both losers. but yeknom is ovbi better cuz hes ca
american/canadian ppl sux @ et no offense
u hack
izi bash for M-M-M-M-MissioN
chronic my mate! eat them :D
4-0 for switchback
4-0 us. gg's
thanks for the money switchback
its monkey