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Members: 20 is a community based and run site focusing on delivering the best coverage to many top games. With frequent updates and matches from league sites ClanBase, ESL, CAL, Warleagues as well as various short cups and ladders, spectators will never be short of a fully packed evening viewing.

We specialise in automating coverage for games that have a native ingame TV software (like ET as a primary example). While currently we "only" offer full automation for Enemy Territory and Urban Terror, we're fully prepared to take on some more games.
With our automated coverage system we can broadcast a large number of matches simultaneously without having any server admin do the dirty job of server management. The system constantly monitors live matches and puts additional tv servers on matches where viewer slots are running low.
Additionally we have a sophisticated demo recording system to not only deliver matches live but also make them availbable for viewing on demand for everybody and any time. originated from a small community-based coverage site titled ETTV.ORG. The site served as an almost priceless addition to any ET player's favourite links and became a frequent location for top coverages for various ClanBase EuroCups, NationsCups and even multiple 1000+ spectator Atlantic Battles. With the view of making ETTV.ORG more than just coverage for Enemy Territory, was born. With our first step into the mass-media market being Call of Duty, we now strive to expand until someone stops us!

The site plus various matches and links you see to other community sites are run entirely by a group of dedicated volunteers. While they do like to complain about it, staff get paid nothing for their services to multiple communities.

Sub-Organisations of

Organisation Description  
#et.tourney members 1
3on3 Nationscup The 3on3 NationsCup, the only NC without a website! members 1
Adroits Adroits is a British-based marketing company, founded in April 2011 who... members 2
Arena Cyber League Romanian ET-League members 1
ClanBase R.I.P. 21/12/2013 members 1 Crossfire - A Gaming Community - members 3
Cubecast - Cubecast is a team of people providing audio broadcasts which... members 1
CyberGamer EU members 2
Easy Company Cup - #easy.cup members 2
Electronic Sports League ESL members 1
ET: Legacy Events Tournaments hosted for the ET: Legacy Events discord. members 4 for 1v1 and 3v3 ET:L cups members 1 members 1
HS Media A Polish organisation with Audio and Video streams. members 1
NerdVibes - French Coverage with Radio, TVs and Streaming. members 3
Official GTV Coverage People broadcasting matches on GamesTV members 6
Online Competition League OCLeague members 1
ProLeague Fifa Pro Club Liga | members 1
QuadV - Games Coverage Streaming members 1
RTCW.Live Events The Return to Castle Wolfenstein organised cups. members 2
Team Warfare League A North/South American Gaming League. IRC:... members 2
Warleagues Warleagues group for Leagues and Cups members 2

Groups of

Group Description  
Assistants Low-level admins members 3
Semi-Sups Used to be userlevel 4 members 1
Site Admins Users with full access to the site and its options. members 8
Site Supervisors The good old accesslevel 5 members 2
Trustees Trusted users who can add some stuff without approval members 1