gbooky ranking (1152 Views)

written by de M!D4$ on 24.07.06 13:57


Whats the problem?
look at ur position on profile then on ranking
For example, my position is 23 at profile and 16 at ranking ...
ye f.e I should be #1 but it will say smth lame like 30 :<
why order by performance??
It should be ordered by
i think the most important in bets, is win money
isnt there a option to see who's the best in overall?
Order by capital,Would be best
performance shows who played best (had the highest % increase in capital) over the past 30 days

people with more money can ofc also set more money and thus have higher absolute winnings

comparing by % gain over 30 days you can compare the gambling skills of all gamblers, no matter how much money they have

if you want to order by total capital, simply click on it.