GamesTV upcoming broadcasts - Bugs and requests (1374 Views)

written by de ZeroJoker on 12.08.06 19:56


My actual todolist and bug fix :
-Adding translation support (some people requested it)
-Bet support (I think to add a bet page when you click on the team name you want to bet for)
-Add total pot to the Match list
-Put the registry access in a try,catch to prevent the software to crash if the user doesn't have the right to access it.
- Fix some bug with the reminder Tick

I'll add the tabmenu thing and also the autostart.

nice! Some people still have a slow internet connection and in that case the auto refresh every 5 mins could cause very high pings while playing.

It would be cool to be able to set the refresh time manually (Don´t forget to set a max (for example 2 mins). Else the mysql database will crash because of read flood :-).

I don't think the bandwidth used by the Refresh function will be a problem, actually it does a direct query to a text only page that's : 128bytes large for one match, if you have around 10 matches (quite a lot in fact), that means that will take 1KB :)

aehm ok thats something i didnt know :-).

Nice little program tba.

Written in c++ or what language did you use?

By the way: Where are the settings saved? In the registry or file in windows folder?

It's written in C#
Settings are stored in the Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GamesTV\.
Some of these features were just added to the software in its 0.2.1 version, check the news post for the changelog.

another cool thing would be to be able to click or even better double-click on a server ip to start ET and connect automatically to the server.

If you have set the serverlink thing on GamesTV in your options and set your account in my software. Clicking on a server IP will (if you have choosen ASE on GTV), start All Seeing Eye and connect to the server.

found another "bug":

By clicking on a tab the tab is not automatically activated, means i cant scroll in it. I have to click in it first to be able to scroll.

This "bug" is caused by the embeded browser component that causes several already reported "bugs" like :
- Focus isn't set automaticaly to it
- Copy/Paste don't work

Maybe for the focus I can make it to work, for the copy/paste I can't ...
Not sure if you have this feature on the todo list but instead of Cut & Paste have IP/DNS name with a href link so your app can launch ET for an example and connects to the game automaticly by a single click.

Which means you have to registry your onw URL Protocol which could be gtv://mygameip:27960

And not to be dependent on ASE or other server browser.
The problem is that I use this IE embeded browser, otherwise, that would be possible to simple set the ET.exe location and then launch a ET.exe +connect ip.

Btw, with a simple plugin (can't find the URL) for IE, you can set in your GTV profile an et:// protocol that will start your ET, if you use ASE set the ASE setting and the same for hlsw.
Well I added URL Protocol (et://) into my own ET Server Viewer and it works fine now. Didn't know I could configure my GamesTV profile for this first.

Now I'm happy. :)
an option to blend out matches, would be nice...
so I can make a list of the matches i want to see, and the others aren't confusing me :)
hi! i have always a error message "the information source by this software can't be opened.Please check that your internet connection works fine and try again"
CAn you please help me i have chosen 10 day but there is the same errore message.

that has nothing todo with how many days you have chosen. Check that your Firewall doenst block the program.
