idle on backpath? (2576 Views)
written by
on 13.10.06 11:31 We all know as the almost godlike, überskilled enemy territory clan. Their aggressive defense and top players were the nightmare of many clans. How unbeatable is idle? The question often terrorised my brain, and the answer always was simple: it was impossible.
But is still From what Iâve seen yesterday in â
FF the clan isnât that superspecial anymore. They may thank the lord they have amazing good tactics and teamplay, otherwise they wouldnât have took it. I saw a strong defensive action by FF, and one moment I saw FF able to stop idleâs rush. But if we leave the teamplay unconsidered, idle isnât what it was before. I canât hide my sadness about the fact that individual very strong players like
Ferus and
Holz left the clan. Especially Ferus, in my opninion one of the fastest and best aimers on the world. And the comeback of the oldskool guys like
r3vers and
JaKaZc canât fill the emptiness in my heart.
What goes up, must go down, and idleâs time is coming. You canât see it, but you can feel it. FF showed some nice things against idle and that wasnât hax in my honest opinion. Shame they couldnât pull the good prestation through the whole war, but nevertheless that was idleâs good job. I donât say that idle will start to lose, idle will always be at the top, and thatâll probably never change, but Iâm convinced that other clans can reach idle skill now. Iâm looking forward to the upcome of uQ, and I hope some other clans make it possible to stunt against idle too. Then weâll have the exciting wars again between clans who both deserve to win. Iâll hope it comes soon, because itâs getting boring with idle alone on the top
(no hard feelings idle ;) )

But is still From what Iâve seen yesterday in

What goes up, must go down, and idleâs time is coming. You canât see it, but you can feel it. FF showed some nice things against idle and that wasnât hax in my honest opinion. Shame they couldnât pull the good prestation through the whole war, but nevertheless that was idleâs good job. I donât say that idle will start to lose, idle will always be at the top, and thatâll probably never change, but Iâm convinced that other clans can reach idle skill now. Iâm looking forward to the upcome of uQ, and I hope some other clans make it possible to stunt against idle too. Then weâll have the exciting wars again between clans who both deserve to win. Iâll hope it comes soon, because itâs getting boring with idle alone on the top
(no hard feelings idle ;) )

helix > idle!!!
Someone needs to make that match :p
yea true. 4.37 on supply. I loled.
idle will always be at the top, and thatâll probably never change
fact, but some other teams @ top would be welcome :)
I saw a strong FF defense when they held idle for 4:37 on supplydepot.
strong defense?
idle is the best, that's all
idle is the best, that's all
idle is very strong team, idd, but clans that exist only 1-2 months can't beat clan who exsiting almost two years (or i'm wrong), thats the problem, all the clans that are borning in this part of the scene is just for the eurocup, nothing else, thats why idle will be unbeatable untill they will fold.
More actually imo.
They played RTCW too :)
But if you only mean the squad which came after Qcon 2005 then it is a bit more then a year.
They played RTCW too :)
But if you only mean the squad which came after Qcon 2005 then it is a bit more then a year.
hello SkullBreaker?idle vs FF was totally pwned by idle i dont know how u can say FF make good things yersterday =/
if parodia would be here and they wouldnt stop playing together i am sure they still pwn idle... a reborn of parodia wont solve the problem and almost impossible... but in 1-2 month uQ will be one of the clans who can beat idle... hope they wont die...
ppl are rly overrating uQ :X but still <3 them :P najs guys
no team comes even close to idle atm..
closest [but still very far away] are teams like helix, zP, sFx. That's all...
no team comes even close to idle atm..
closest [but still very far away] are teams like helix, zP, sFx. That's all...
still havent see any zP war :( are they really active ? :s
donno... top players with low teamwork now...but rly good aim and etc... if they used to each will be pwnage...
I think finest has a change to
sFx is closed (I heard) and zP didnt prove shit, they havent even played an official yet. helix seems to be the only team which is able to challenge idle atm.
but who cares, the "who will beat idle" debate is realllllly annoying ......
but who cares, the "who will beat idle" debate is realllllly annoying ......
lol total bullshit, did you even watch supplydepot? idle might be weakened, but their still by far the best clan ET has to offer at the moment. If you really are such a feruS fanboy which is no problem to me, you would have noticed feruS played with idle @ lans but almost never in online matches, so that didn't really weak idle at all :)
god bless the dutchmen :)
FF got raped ...
Please WATCH the game and then come back.
lol guys, i didn't say idle didn't pwn FF. I said SOMETIMES I saw some really good stuff by FF. Actually the most important point I want to make clear is that the community really needs some more clans @ the top. Sometimes it's really boring when you allready know from the beginning that idle will take it. I want some excitement again, just like earlier times, before idle got überskilled. That's idd due to the fact that most of the topclans just get formed for cups and end after.
soon one comes :P believe me
you just said it in 4 lines, so edit your blog please. Saves me some time @ reading the whole thingy. ktnx
then don't read it
your not nice :<
No offence but lol, fullhold on goldrush and beat the time in 7.30/7.45 and <5 mins on supply depot, come on. Ferus was never going to keep playing, it was only for the lans. r3vers/JaKaCz > holz/adzz, the idle side has actually gotten stronger individually imo
so treu
but i miss him :p <3 Ferus
then write a blog about ferus
instead of team
instead of team
nobody can replace holz..
damn men stfu, i'm growing sick of all ur destructive comments, i just ask ur opninion, i don't ask u to say what i have to do ktnx
no worries, feruS WAS better for, and it IS time for some new clans to take over the top (or join idle at the top); but some people just won't realise that things always change... won't always be what it used to be, that's impossible. But somehow people like to hang on to the idea that the best are unbeatable...
I'm not saying I won't bet for most of the time, but things are starting to get closer. New clans WITH idle skill are rising, and even though most are made just for cups, maybe some of them will realise that they've really got skill and CAN take on, IF they stick together :)
Skullbreaker, have faith in Finest AND :D won't always be what it used to be, that's impossible. But somehow people like to hang on to the idea that the best are unbeatable...
I'm not saying I won't bet for most of the time, but things are starting to get closer. New clans WITH idle skill are rising, and even though most are made just for cups, maybe some of them will realise that they've really got skill and CAN take on, IF they stick together :)
Skullbreaker, have faith in Finest AND :D
Thx delbar, I hope so they realise :)
finest hihi -.-'
Finest roflmao
i was thinking the same :D:D:D:D:D
finest has the skill and the teamplay, i'm sure they'll make it far.
and they're belgian! :D :P
and they're belgian! :D :P
They don't have the skill nor the teamplay. All they have is whine, and mAus.
uhm to correct that, most of the players of uQ-Gaming (when uQ took the winning hand over (good times good times :D) are now in finest (well atleast zeto :D:D:D)
@ Viax
do we need anything else to win? :P
btw i disagree, because they DO have aim, and it's not only because of mAus.
and umm... how do you know they have the whine? I don't think you know them...?
please keep useless comments for yourself in the future ;) :P
do we need anything else to win? :P
btw i disagree, because they DO have aim, and it's not only because of mAus.
and umm... how do you know they have the whine? I don't think you know them...?
please keep useless comments for yourself in the future ;) :P
Belgies in their own world again :x
oh well if it makes them happy let them be :D
when exactly did uQ [not ze parodia 1] beat idle?
prac results ftw?
please... i understand that u must support your nation like all the poles do to FF/diversus.. but then again, saying finest are gna be a top team and will beat idle and become the best team is ... lol
prac results ftw?
please... i understand that u must support your nation like all the poles do to FF/diversus.. but then again, saying finest are gna be a top team and will beat idle and become the best team is ... lol
I'm actually very annoyed when I have to admit I agree with you :-(
you know you love it!
@toxic: I didn't really say finest will pwn idle to bits... :S
all I'm saying is that they have the chances to be a top clan
@foonr: then don't agree with him :P
all I'm saying is that they have the chances to be a top clan
@foonr: then don't agree with him :P
he is the best jumper in ET fo sho. Btw, i'd like to see your warsow flag cap movie again, if you please.
that was senti who said that!
true, i said the same as the new lineup was announced.
You heard about Aime Jacques (Mundial 1998 - training France)?
I think you're rather showing just hoow good Idle are in this little blog than the opposite :O) You're saying Idle is on their way down when one of Europe's finest (a top 10 clan for sure) pulls off "some nice stuff" and "holding back a few pushes".
When that is impressive, you know idle is as strong as ever
When that is impressive, you know idle is as strong as ever
ferus was in idle like a month or smth and you are talking a shit like that?
ferus was in idle like a month or smth and you are talking a shit like that?
i agree with hellgoat... i think that that night idle showed their power, ff isnt a clan u can handle so easily, and idle just made them look like kids, i personnally like holz and ferus, but idle is far from weakening. atm i think just helix can challenge them and have a chance, but that doesnt mean other clans can catch up.
nice, you made senji sad!
VP will beat idle in the next 2 weeks...NP
good luck vp
more easy gbooky money?
when wil helix play against
that would be a close game i guess
that would be a close game i guess
idle has just shown they are at their backpatch ^^