Mystic disappoints (2514 Views)

written by dk IceKing on 01.12.06 10:28


he owned 1000 people, fragmovie imo
rofl, he shows once again what he can do, even without mp40 :D
Rofl XD
I laughed my ass out...
I didn't see it, what happened?

EDIT: ah I see, they rescheduled it :D
THAT'S THE PROBLEM! Nothing happened.. :D
ah well last wildcard, let's hope it doesn't happen again!
That's the problem of a 6 man roster, if one dude has problems you're fucked
The funny thing is, it happens almost every time. A team with only 6 guys always seem to be missing some guy. Or they will start out fine and one guy gets computer problems. No team can manage a 5 vs 6. And it's no fun to watch.

Imo this is the worst way to lose, You can have good tactics and fantastic aimers, but you need a team to play.
well that's why 5vs5 is better and CB should have stuck to their grounds
6v6 > 5v5 imho
just because some teams suck at 5on5 and get rolled doesnt mean 6on6 > 5on5
yes and? ... Who said I didn't like 5v5 because some teams suck at it? I just don't like it. Point. And I said: imho...
If you can get 6 and keep them...
idle have no problems with that ^^ its just if the team is professional or not
oh yeah those cups are only for the spectators lolLLLLLLLLLLL
without ettv, competetive etgaming wouldn't be where it is today
you're talking shit imo! they had their personal probs, and they don't ask you to watch!
He's didn't say that they didn't have problems. He added a true point
My post was a bit vague. I'm not saying it's anybodies fault. I'm just saying that it sucks that all us viewers sat around for nothing for 20 minutes until a measily comment showed up under the match info explaining wildcard.
Ettv is a great thing, I'm just saying it could be better, even though it is a free service. Btw I <3 everyone workin to make ettv happen and I know everybody in here feels the same way
yeah ad lets hope it will be rolling for long time ^^
I'm sure he did it specifically to piss you all off, which he succeeded in...
"Something needs to be done about this lack of information and consideration to ettv viewers"

yeah cause we are paying so muchhh money for that service, and mystic should go to jail cause he broke his contract :x.
Look @ what beeing a fanboï leads u to say...
Speaking of disappointments... I almost prefer a cancelled match to what I saw this otherwise lovely 4th of december
omg speaking of which... mystic sucked... :S :-/
like admin said, he was @ 26 acc and 1 HS on goldrush... is this really the legend everyone fanboys?

even i could do it much better xD
let me play instead of mystic =P
rotfl :D mystic and his fanboys <3 ^^
lol'd @ this