gtv broken? (2688 Views)

written by cz jump3r on 11.12.06 15:40


#1 It got canceled.
#2 Endpoint broke it (old!).
#3 No idea.
#4 See 2 (if I remember correctly).
#5 Example?
(#6 Complain to the clans/teams that are participating in the EC and NC.)
3: The scanner will try once a minute to update your slots

4: Registration works

5: Dont see anything
some flags dont load
thanks for replys arni & Frop

#3: aha, didnt know that.
#4: hmm, "registering a new account or retrieving your password is not possible until further notice" so excuse me.
#5: aye, it was the same post like this one, but nobody read it (it was somewhere at the end). so i deleted it and made this blog.
further notice is now ;-)