Merry Christmas - Summary of the year (1677 Views)
written by
on 24.12.06 14:20
i just want to wish you all merry christmas.
I hope you all enjoy the free days and get a bit into the christmas spirit.
Lets sum up a bit what happened in this year.
- Some say ET got recived a push forward again. We welcomed many new players.
- We saw uncountable ETTV Matches of serveral cups. A big thanks to all ETTV server admins to sponsor us a free server to watch others playing. I know you all spent much time for that and as we all know: traffic isnt cheap. So a special thanks to you.
- Many of those matches got shoutcasted in many different languages. Thanks to all shoutcasters, you are all doing a great job. (Thanks to kgh for the advice)
- We saw #et.gather getting waked up again. More then 100 gathers were played per week. Also special greets to all #et.gather admins (my mates :-)). You did spent your free time for the community, well done.
And for sure also a big thanks to all other admins of cups/ladders,... You all make the community work. Without you ET would be nothing but a simple game.
- We are in the middle of another Nationscup that turns into a very interesting one. Unectpected wins are buisseness as usual here. And dont forget about the opencup and eurocup also taking place atm.
- And for sure we saw idle getting beaten 2 times (idle, you still rock dont panic :-)).
Anything to add? Just do it.
Merry christmas
i just want to wish you all merry christmas.
I hope you all enjoy the free days and get a bit into the christmas spirit.
Lets sum up a bit what happened in this year.
- Some say ET got recived a push forward again. We welcomed many new players.
- We saw uncountable ETTV Matches of serveral cups. A big thanks to all ETTV server admins to sponsor us a free server to watch others playing. I know you all spent much time for that and as we all know: traffic isnt cheap. So a special thanks to you.
- Many of those matches got shoutcasted in many different languages. Thanks to all shoutcasters, you are all doing a great job. (Thanks to kgh for the advice)
- We saw #et.gather getting waked up again. More then 100 gathers were played per week. Also special greets to all #et.gather admins (my mates :-)). You did spent your free time for the community, well done.
And for sure also a big thanks to all other admins of cups/ladders,... You all make the community work. Without you ET would be nothing but a simple game.
- We are in the middle of another Nationscup that turns into a very interesting one. Unectpected wins are buisseness as usual here. And dont forget about the opencup and eurocup also taking place atm.
- And for sure we saw idle getting beaten 2 times (idle, you still rock dont panic :-)).
Anything to add? Just do it.
Merry christmas

merry christmas everyone
merry christmas everyone
merry xmas
Nice, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :D
Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear all
enjoy those days
also a big thx to all shoutcasters who made a great job :)
merry xmas
merry xmas
but don't forget what xmas is REALLY about ...
food u lowskiller
God has spoken (c) vlx :D
tbh should be 'God spoke' since we can see the exact time and date of his post :-)
somebody's been having english lessons, right? :P
hahah :D You have been a good boy (putting a © vlx behind it without me, having to say it to you!). Did santa claus feed you well this christmas? :P
I learn from other peoples' mistakes :D
merry christmas & happy new year @all :]
* "bussiness" :p
merry christmas, wish you all the best - means what you would wish yourself :p
merry christmas, wish you all the best - means what you would wish yourself :p
nothing to add from my side.
i wish you all a merry christmas!
i wish you all a merry christmas!
all merry X-mas!
We had ZeroJoker wishing us all a merry christmas, writing a blog costs time, so special tnx to him too.
Merry Christmas all, and a Happy Newyear
Merry Christmas all, and a Happy Newyear
lol thanks :-).
But for you all i am willing to spent much more :-).
Merry christmas SkillBreaker (think i know you?).
lol thanks :-).
But for you all i am willing to spent much more :-).
Merry christmas SkillBreaker (think i know you?).
ty ty
( well, you know me now ;-] )
( well, you know me now ;-] )
<3 thank you for all those magnificent rifle kills
lolz :p
apparently you don't know him (skUllbreaker, not skIllbreaker ;) :P :D )
that's cuz I'm very skilled
Merry Christmas All
happy days
Merry christmas all!
N1 ZeroJoker!
N1 ZeroJoker!
Die Ehre der Zocker
Hi Jungs und Mädels nervt euch die ganze " killerspiele gehören verboten Diskussion " auch so extrerm ????
Also ein Kumpel und ich wir schreiben für die Uni gerade eine Wissenschaftliche Arbeit über das Thema " Der Zusammenhang Killerspiele und Gewalt unter Jugendlichen "
Also geht es auch um Eure Ehre
Wenn ihr Lust habt und uns unterstützen wollt
findet ihr den Link zum Fragebogen einfach auf der Seite ganz nach unten scrollen und auf den " Link zum Fragebogen " klicken
dann einfach ausfüllen und auf senden klicken
Vielen Dank im voraus für Eure Zeit und Geduld
Und Frohe Weihnachten an alle Frag on
Wir sehen uns euer
Hi Jungs und Mädels nervt euch die ganze " killerspiele gehören verboten Diskussion " auch so extrerm ????
Also ein Kumpel und ich wir schreiben für die Uni gerade eine Wissenschaftliche Arbeit über das Thema " Der Zusammenhang Killerspiele und Gewalt unter Jugendlichen "
Also geht es auch um Eure Ehre
Wenn ihr Lust habt und uns unterstützen wollt
findet ihr den Link zum Fragebogen einfach auf der Seite ganz nach unten scrollen und auf den " Link zum Fragebogen " klicken
dann einfach ausfüllen und auf senden klicken
Vielen Dank im voraus für Eure Zeit und Geduld
Und Frohe Weihnachten an alle Frag on
Wir sehen uns euer
Merry XMas and a happy new year :)
good job to all involved ;)
good job to all involved ;)
Have you seen santa or did you finaly realize that he doesn't exist? :P
Hope he brought you something beautiful.. xD
Hope he brought you something beautiful.. xD
santa gave him a nice girl, but he thought he didn't need one to do his laundry
Santa doesn't go to little city's
LOLZ, and what would you know about little cities :p
I live in the big city (Kortrijk) and that's not so very far of yours (Gulle..) ;) :P
U r from Kortrijk ???? :o :o :o *shocked* didnt know :p
and indeed, thats even very close to mine :D Gullegem ftw !
and indeed, thats even very close to mine :D Gullegem ftw !
Ive seen santa yea, damn she was sexy
Was Santa something like this ?
Yes she was, but even sexier ! :D
omg you are making me horny AnaLconda :D
Thats my job, i am ze ANALizer :p