ET Pack v1 (1673 Views)

written by de swine on 30.12.06 10:52


Woot. Nice pack ;) Very good.
the all seeing eye is old :)

but it is the best :)
make that most popular and therefore most known and therefore called the best
it all depends on what you need from the program ;)
I'm nog saying that I know anything better than ASE, I only know 1 OTHER apart from ASE, and that's HLSW
myea well, that makes 2 then ;)
hmm... that's exactly the same, read what others posted first pls ;)
Ever since yakoo took hold of the ASE it has become a piece of crapola. Experienced players use HLSW imo!
that's right, i use HLSW :D ;)
you are experienced player then :)
I'd like to download just those tools without maps. Is it possible to make another pack?
if you want i can make you a email is :)
never knew what cfg maker is for, same as wordpad.
yeah, but when you don't know all the commands (like r_mode and stuff), it's usefull to have a program like that. :)
I've had problems with activision with this kinda thing before, you can't rebundle the original install.

A better solution is to make a new installer which wraps the original ones so that you don't run into legal problems.
Nice pack but i already have my own, with own cfg's and stuffi n it :]

Maybe HLSW in
Maybe some example Cfg or some parts of Aiming by Raziel in
Maybe some document with the basic rules and tactics (like Enemy Territory Strategy Pack from

Good job
warbell is litle bit useless imo
sw_fueldump? useless one too.

gw anyway
yea not a bad pack if your a noob :D