SHG Open (1955 Views)
written by
on 29.01.07 19:13
Ofcourse is always up-to-date about the current LAN's and will do their best to coverage those LAN's. As most people among us already know, the SHG open will put his feet on earth and some nice team's are attending to it. This made me wonder!
Is going to coverage all these games? I think the answer to that question will be very simple.. YES!
This made me wonder again (yes, I wonder a lot).
I remember a LAN from a while ago (I can't recall the name of the LAN, sorry) and the ETTV was lagging a LOT. So if GTV is going to shoutcast (all) the matches, I hope it won't be that laggy again. I don't know how this lag could have occured, and that made me wonder (AGAIN!!!). Did you find a solution for this lag? I would really much like to watch it without lag.
The next question about the SHG open: will it be 1 stream, connecting to 20 ETTV's again just like previous year? Or will the SHG open have connection to the outside world, so all the shoutcastservers don't have to connect to 1 stream, but can actually connect to the server?
The last question (I ask a lot too!): Will somebody (like Tosspot) be able to give a nice shoutcast too? And will there be more shoutcasters then only Tosspot?
This is all I think and I'm looking forward to a nice coverage of the LAN :)
Greetings vLx, who is still wondering and questioning from behind his computer
Is going to coverage all these games? I think the answer to that question will be very simple.. YES!
This made me wonder again (yes, I wonder a lot).
I remember a LAN from a while ago (I can't recall the name of the LAN, sorry) and the ETTV was lagging a LOT. So if GTV is going to shoutcast (all) the matches, I hope it won't be that laggy again. I don't know how this lag could have occured, and that made me wonder (AGAIN!!!). Did you find a solution for this lag? I would really much like to watch it without lag.
The next question about the SHG open: will it be 1 stream, connecting to 20 ETTV's again just like previous year? Or will the SHG open have connection to the outside world, so all the shoutcastservers don't have to connect to 1 stream, but can actually connect to the server?
The last question (I ask a lot too!): Will somebody (like Tosspot) be able to give a nice shoutcast too? And will there be more shoutcasters then only Tosspot?
This is all I think and I'm looking forward to a nice coverage of the LAN :)
Greetings vLx, who is still wondering and questioning from behind his computer

quakecon was shitty on gamestv
Dont blame GTV. Blame America.
i know but still, no one said lets make a test round to be sure everything works okey.
actually we tested and it worked fine, but when the broadcast started there were some other services running from the location so the bandwidth was too low all in all.
get ahnung, thx
get ahnung, thx
fair enough, what about someone tript over some kabel:D
1st of all, we dont know any details about this lan, we are not involved into the coverage and we were not asked for help by the organizers (yet)
2nd if you mean Quakecon2006 with the "LAN from a while ago" the lags were caused by an improper uplink from the location and since ettv uses udp (not tcp) it loses.
3nd we normally work with one or two hubs when we cast lans, the hubs will take the rest of the load/bandwidth so we dont need a uber uplink from the lan location
2nd if you mean Quakecon2006 with the "LAN from a while ago" the lags were caused by an improper uplink from the location and since ettv uses udp (not tcp) it loses.
3nd we normally work with one or two hubs when we cast lans, the hubs will take the rest of the load/bandwidth so we dont need a uber uplink from the lan location
Also depends on whether or not we're even allowed to hook up ETTV at all.
looks like we will cover it atm
TosspoT is there for iTG, I'll be there for GIGA 2.
It will be video only from our side, don't know about iTG.
It will be video only from our side, don't know about iTG.
nice :D