cVs kicking shoutcaster and sending him to ETTV... (1796 Views)

written by cz smOke on 25.02.07 21:06


votes ftw ^^

Oo 1st xD

quote of $teve:
"I hope u're joking couse it seems clear that if u wanna shoutcast u must do it in ettv and not in the game server where we're having the war. tard"

new rule? xD

i hope tosspot kills you xD
"I hope u're joking couse it seems clear that if u wanna shoutcast u must do it in ettv and not in the game server where we're having the war. tard"

no comment ...
I don't think the admins here can't do much about it, we can all just hope that other people think better before doing things like this.

What about rio_? He signed up for that match too. Did he get kicked too?
He was shoutcasting from ETTV imo as is @ Italy usual lol :)
Are you serious? You mean rio_ shoutcasts ALWAYS from ettv ??
lol dont think thats in italy, maybe in cvsland :/
Maybe you should have agreed with both teams that you could shoutcast their match...although it's pretty gay they let you shoutcast from ETTV
Why? Its you simply add yourself as a shoutcaster and cast - as i say - NC final, EC final, many matchez with absolutely NO PROBLEM - i just want to do a favour for italian casters - coz if they r forced to cas from ETTV - oh jesus we r @ middleages?
true its gay. And there was a second shoutcaster so why should this man not have been allowed to cast.
the second guy had to shoutcast from ETTV...
i ment the italian shoutcaster as second he was in the serv to cast so why should this guy not be allowed
just give cvs a warning.if they do it again just ignore to broadcast them with shoutcasters or ettv.
italians :p
nobody has to shoutcast from a ettv server for a simple reason:ETTV DELAY
ban cVs from :P
lol cVs, owned
cvs free!
ban 2 cVs from gtv imo :D
no! cvs ftw ! u can't ban it for a disguise...
cvs free. :)
just kidding, but kinda tardish to kick gtv shoutcaster -.-'
no way ...
i got question regarding shoutcasting: does shoutcast has any delay?

i mean one of players of team A would hear what shoutcaster is talking about team B position...
... And team B can hear team A position, so what's the point? You think there isn't at least 1 team who hasn't thought of this? :P
The problem is the shoutcast delay, you hear where they are, but by then you already found out so it's useless to listen ;)
not at beginning when the shoutcaster runs over the line ups
According to TosspoT: "A shoutcast streams delay is usually 30-45 seconds behind live, a game's TV delay can be anything from 1 to 5 minutes."

The shoutcast itself is useless for the clans, except maybe when positions are given away during a pause, but the shoutcaster could (hypothetically) be connected to one of the teams Vent and tell them stuff (real time) while muting the cast. ^^
Which is pretty far-fetched, shoutcasters are there to talk about the game, it's just pointless for them to tell the other team's positions, since they don't gain anything with it...
Tosspot is zP's manager. now think about d. vs zP :D:D:D just a joke

but think about some less known shoutcaster. he may be friend of one of the teams, or they could even buy him a bear later.

and for example: some engi got through side on b4 and is going to plant dyno just after axis spawn, so they wouldnt be able to spawnback and would have to go to gen from maingate. simply they couldnt be there on time to defuse, especially because of 4 nades barrier made by engi in some narrow corridor. but shoutcaster would tell axis this info 10secs before their spawn and they will make a *SURPRISE* to this jamesbondalliedengi.

imo no matter "what could sc gain", you should make it some way so that nobody have chance to cheat.

but as zerojoker said, there is delay, so nP. and that connecting to axis vent is not rly possible. how do you imagine... he stops commenting the match "sorry, brb in 20 secs^^"?:D
What pentel said...

Another example from just a few minutes ago, Mrozu was on the server to shoutcast mQ vs FF (which mQ didn't accept). :P

(edit: of course it was mQ that didn't accept)
@ pentel: You may be right, and you're right about the delay, so #care ;)

@bitmap: They don't have to accept, they can't refuse no matter what, CB rules clearly state that
So basically a team is allowed to have a team member as spectator if they simply get him to sign up as a shoutcaster @ gtv? That doesn't sound right to me.

FF-Mrozu was kicked from the server by the way, and the CB admin didn't protest afaik. :)
" them a bear."
Sorry, had to comment on that! :D
Well, then the CB admin didn't know the rules, because shoutcasters that are registered are allowed to connect ;)

delay is set to about 1 min.

shoutcasts have delay, but its more or less random... thats why the shoutcasters should be on the gameserver (or an undelayed hub...) and the listeners should just pause the game untill they see what they hear..
1st of all
it's stupid when players are listening to the shoutcaster cause they can't hear anything then on ts/ventrilo.
and 2nd:if a match has ettv and shoutcaster and u think YOU can give any info to a team.think again cause ettv got at least 30 sec delay
rly? show me whine...

i think it should be clear for EVERYONE that shoutcasting from ETTV is the most useless thing you could ever do. Shoutcastservers just like ICECast aswell as the one created by the makers of Winamp has a delay of 30-45 secs, somethimes even more. ETTV mostly has a delay of about 1-1,5 mins.

Means its IMPOSSIBLE to sync the shoutcast with your ETTV because the shoutcaster is behind. Even if the shoucater is on the server it meight happen that the delay of his shoucastserver is bigger then the delay of some ETTV servers (happens from time to time).

It should be an honner for everyone to have a shoucasted match, especially those who arent on ETTV that often.

A shoucaster doesnt do anything@all. He doenst take playerslots, he doenst take needed traffic so whats the matter?

If you add your you have to calc with a shoucaster (you should be happy to get one if you have one).

Honnestly i understand you smOke but get over it. This will not happen twice and these players hopefully will never get a SC again.

Learn behaviour guys.

n1ce, love and peace and unity to everybody - especially italian shoutcasters ;)
ban Cw... cVs!
`Hitman since your post has no worth to this topic : deleted.
Ok let me say 2 words about these useless discussions...
We are not interested in playing with ettv and having radio because we are not wannabes children that wants to show others how long they have their penis.. SO we have requested ettv and only ettv shoutcasting because rules of cb compulse that.. BUT we are not very friendly with radio because in past we had lame behaviour in our fronts (such as shoutcasters in the same teamspeak of our opponents) and because we invited YOU SMOKE to leave server but you dind't answere and acted like a child insulting with your czec friends iR with words in your language with some italien or something like that in your sentences ...that we kicked you. It is OUR RIGHT to refuse shoutcasters not shoutcasting (can you understand what i mean?). OK thx and good luck in your future shoutcastings.
Gl hf
... That was more than 2 words :P
But for the rest, you can also refuse a shoutcast on afaik, and GTv shoutcasts are known to be reliable imho ;)
what a tard
Your clanmate Free requested coverage for this game. Don't do this again then if you're refusing it anyway..

CB Rules state:

ClanBase reserves the right to broadcast every match. This can be done with online game broadcast tools for spectating purposes. The recording of such broadcasts can't be refused by the players. In many cases ClanBase will allow or ask third parties to broadcast the matches. Spectators may never be charged.
'tard. :)
i'm sorry for you! :(
rebbb when you add your match to gtv you agree to gtv rules. And the rules is simple - every shoutcaster registered on gtv have right to shoutcast all gtv matches. You cannot refuse it - if you wanna do this, you can't add match to gtv. simple imo.
Then maybe the rule should be revised to at least prevent a shoutcaster from casting a match in which his own team is playing. :)
omg look at rio's ettv
isittv3 (shoutcasters only):P
he will continue shoutcasting on ettv:P
Ok i haven't read that rule before and although i don't agree with that i gotta accept it so i'm sorry about that and i swere it will never happen anymore..(We all make mistakes).. sorry smoke good job anyway..

Np man, i hope you FINALLY understand and will play exciting matches here @ gtv - but pls tell it rio_ ... gl in future cVs