new bet-system (1731 Views)

written by de id3nt!C on 04.03.07 17:37


For some reason I guess some of the gtv crew figured that out already cause of reading the thingsd like 'the odds s*ck' 'I don't like the new system' and so on.
your are right!
ATM, you cant really get money, if you bet on 1.01 - team.. and, its idiotic to bet on 100.00, team, because its pretty sure, that you will lose your money :<

so, please go back to old system :o)
at least 1.10 vs 10
not lower
no, make 1,25 - 10,00

OR like in soccer bets: the team that's probably gonna win, between (1,20 and 1,90) the other team (between 2,00 and 12,00)
that sux, agree
i tried to explain the decision several times, if people still have a different opinion i'm not gonna change it.
make a vote for reset or not, that will clear everything
There will be a reset with GTV2, but not earlier.
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wont be fun anymore gathering big bucks :(
otter won 2000€ today setting 20€ on a 100 odd for one of these belgian games

betting involves getting money for the unexpected, not the obvious
i did that, i started betting on obvious when i had won alot of money from "unexpected" games, you dont need to learn me how handle this serious e-money

and as a better i have a choice which games i want to bet, and i dont care about lowskilled games with random ratings 1.1:100

if it will be reseted i doubt that i will care about it as i care now :( (e-money, serious business tho)
the system had an obvious error which i removed and also explained it enough times
i dont care bout system, i just want to keep my e-money !!111
if you want to keep money, we can maybe set up a g-bank for you

gbooky is for gambling and gamblers
that would be great, thanks!

reset money for people with less than 100bucks, they deserve it :p, not rest of gamblers
true man, i think that system is better
I love you Arni. This new system rocks. Just won some money. :p
I'd be all for reseting only those people's money who have >10000, say. :D
You said you wanted to change the system that the money will be reset every year or sth!
thats ether lies or you dont remember better coz i'd never say that ^^
someone said: reset the money

u said sth like: Others supposed that too, but I have some personal problems with it, but if there are enough people for it and they can prove that in a poll, I want to change it

It's in a blog that isn't on my page anymore (u f'ing whinersz ^^) but I'm sure U said it.
yes make a vote to choose from the old system or the current one if its possible
All new blogs concerning this topic will be rejected from now on. The reasons for the change are simple and logical and if you are not willing to understand what betting means (making money by betting on things that are not so likely to happen) you can just stop betting at all.
dont vote... dont reset... leave how it is now!...
says 35. on the list...
polar vs -img proves that you still can win if the odds are against a team..
so useless blog, different opinions with different arguments

kk thx bb
actually new betting system is Cool :p Your bet: 10000€ on -img Won 330300.00€
<3 new system, congrats!
ney system rox

04/03 21:00 polar 1.03 vs 33.03 -img 250€ on -img Won 8257.50 €

gg arni <3
Yea I've changed my mind, that new system is cool ^^ But do a reset, without it is useless :)
yeah, reset should help a bit, but new sys sux imo :/ anyway, sry for my eng :[
i dont care about reset, i think its not so important... but this new system is really bad. 1.25/5 was good, and if you hate that guys who have much money can win too much, then make a system what dont allow bigger bet then 500/match or something. its just not fair that with a lucky bet you can win too much money.
no such thing as 'too much money', rephrase please
no worries, vLx loves the new system so the new system stays! I'll even bribe arni if necessary
nice arguments id3nt!C.

this blog will change the world.
maybe the system is ok---->but only reset de money,and everyone start with 100 € than its ok....
but : wayne ?!

wird so oder so nix passieren hier :P
außerdem ,warum "change the world"........nur meine meinung..... -.- naja, another nice comment from otter.
leider hast du keine ahnung, ob hier was passiert oder nicht, also würde ich mich da einfach zurückhalten. und wie arni schon gesagt hat mit gtv2 wird wohl auch ein gbooky reset kommen.

jo und np wegen dem "nice comment", immer wieder gerne.
wozu gibts den diesen bereich BLOG denn ?
und naja ..woher sollte ich wissen, dann gtv2 kommt ?!?!?!?!
zum sinnlosen rumspammen bestimmt nicht.
wer tut dies ?
weiß ich auch grad nicht, hab den namen irgendwie vergessen.
aso ...ja dann.
i ike the new system. I mean there no other way to win big than placing a bet that will return 33 times your bet. its kickass
well im down to my last 5 so i cant bet :(
so what happens now? do you give us losers some more money? can i borrow some from a buddy? or will i never be able to bet again? :(
the system will give you automatically 10 € back.
i dont exactly get what you mean.
what bets have to do with score?

i mean: you say that everybody knows that zP is going to win. so, no matter what betting system there is, nobody would bet on kih anyways, so whats the prob?
odds are to small :-(
1,01 and 1,25 ...big difference imo
ah i got it now. yes that may be a problem for some gtv users
system needs a reset. the differences between the players are too big now. some players have got lots of money with easy old system and can manipulate the odds now with the power of their money. newer players have no chance
EXACTLY,its so obvious man...
imo canceling bets more than 30 mins after they are placed should not be allowed, so as to stop the oods being manipulated.
You need to be able to change your bets with the new system though. If I bet on a team with odds at 80:1.01 then the odds change from other bets to 3.0:1.5 then I might not feel it's worth the risk for only 3x the money, rather than 80x.

In general, as a rule (especially with the new system and long-odds games), I bet as late as possible to get the most reliable odds.
new system is cool, just do reset plz
woohoo i made 250 € from 15 € just in 3 games, this system is nice

reset all money and go back to old odd system
No, reset money but dont go back to old system. PLS MAKE A VOTE !
blow me <3 u really all care about ZOMG INTERNETH MANEY LOOOLOLOLOLOL
it suqs...
agree.. i have 11,45 euros total money... when i wanna bet, i have to bet now on a match i know sure a team is gonna win easely

so i can only bet 5 euros... so i win... 5 fokking cents.... :-s