codqcup (1359 Views)
written by
on 17.03.07 19:31
Is fragtv going to add the matches they broadcast for the codqcup next week to gamestv? Would be nice to see less ET at GamesTV, not that ET is bad, but it would make GamesTV look bigger! :P

I dont have COD
They have livestreams
Livestreams dont work for me :(
Who cares about COD
Give us video streams pls!!11
we need codtv fo sho is ruled by ET matches. And I don't have any problems with that since I play ET and not CoD. But the videostreams are a good idea.
PS: Can you tell me how CoD works? :$
PS: Can you tell me how CoD works? :$
Start => Programs => CoD 2 => CoD 2 Multiplayer
Voila !
Voila !
I don't have the game. :O
Maybe without the "2" if he wants to start COD.
Is there such a big difference between CoD 1 and 2?
I can't find CoD 2 in the list :o
The big problem is that most games suck in comparision to ET coverage wise, live streams/demos are the best you can get for games like cod2 since they dont have codtv yet(tbh will never have).