All rise for new ET team aestas ! (3624 Views)
written by
on 26.05.07 00:37

I am happy to announce that as of today, a new ET team has risen before us all.
What started as a bunch of friends in a 3v3 clan called #second where we meet Worm, Fex & spiROZE.
After the Crossfire Prizefight Challange, octense died and here the story continues.
As Worm also played 3v3 matches with Kevin and jetro, it was spiROZE who suggested to form a mighty 6v6 team which we know will now and remember by the name: aestas !
So we are pleased to announce the


Line up:


Statement from Fex:
We are currently participating in Cadred's etQcup.
This will be our first official event and hopefully we can reach the play-offs.
In July and August we'll try to participate in some smaller cups like ET-cup and some 1day-cups and hopefully, in August, we'll get a qualifier for the CPC3 tournament in Holland so we can attend this great lan !
Support & Contact
#aestas @

jetro + kevin = win!
ze zijn dan ook wel BANGELIJK e ;)
played them, wasn't amazed
ugly banner
ugly banner
it was spiROZE who suggested to form a mighty 6v6 team
mighty xDDD
mighty xDDD
so we can attend this great lan !
don't suck up to much xD
don't suck up to much xD
imo it is the best ET lan :)
not that hard :P
downsize the banner
Kevin Verhulst, hoe gaat het met samson ?
hij heeft eindelijk zijn hand uit het gat van die hond gehaald
makes me a sad panda
gert verhulst*
joeee de manne gl he <3
ty darling :) ziet da gy die EC nu maar wint e :P
izi bash with anaconda! <3
LOL ! <3
Han Flamez <3 horny name imo (btw worm and alvo r bro's :o?)
Yep, just like Fex & Spiroze
I quit talking to you until you adopt me and I get your last name !! :P
what else did you expect
gogo wimworm!!
haha, long time no see m8, how are you? :D
Weg met CD&V !!! Letherme de skjive totetrekker...
Congratz with new clan!
GL & HF with it!
GL & HF with it!
gL jetro (aka e-thug), kevin (don't get me started) and worm (just coz i talked you once at vent ;DDD)
gl jetro, teh internet hero
jetro mag niet naar die lan dus vergeet het maar
He'll attend FOM (Belgian lan)
whoever made the banner needs to be fired asap!
why? :<
gl fex worm alvo & spirosje!
& fex, gaan we nu eindelijk keer zuipe? =/
& fex, gaan we nu eindelijk keer zuipe? =/
uuh .. op CPC3? :P we zien wel ^^
nee in leuven
fuck CPC3
fuck CPC3
volgend jaar zittek op kot in Leuven! (pauscollege) see yah there!