Comments on #team.xT RADIO SC (2046 Views)
written by
on 17.06.07 23:21
I would like to give a comment to the "shoutcast" done and performed by #team.xT RADIO.
I mean you are really trying guys but its kinda pointless to shoutcast if you dont even know the map, talking about trains instead of tanks just as an example.
"These are just a few guys having a SC server and wanting to have fun, whats the problem"?
About 2 month ago i read a post of an admin announcing that is not accepting any more SC Radios that havnt got any experience.
Now 2 month later i find myself listening to ... the worstest shoucast i have EVER heard.
A list of things that are "unproffesional":
- Playing musik over speakers
- Playing musik while shoutcasting
- Burping
- Using Winamp to stream
- Bad english skills
- Using TS
- Using a public TS server with people joining all the time
- Not knowing the map
Here some quotes: "Does a tank have healthpoints?"
" Croatia is defending, you know, and the AXIS are attacking".
"So i am back, what did i miss?"
"Here are important news: My brother just told me that Pilla? pied on my toilet seat"
"Someone kill my brother"
"Trying to find the transmitter, there it is"
"I am off now...What are you doing?"
Using "once upon a time" randomly, i dont even think you know what it means, do you?
There are so many points that you could give negative critics on but you may just train a bit NON PUBLIC....
I would like to give a comment to the "shoutcast" done and performed by #team.xT RADIO.
I mean you are really trying guys but its kinda pointless to shoutcast if you dont even know the map, talking about trains instead of tanks just as an example.
"These are just a few guys having a SC server and wanting to have fun, whats the problem"?
About 2 month ago i read a post of an admin announcing that is not accepting any more SC Radios that havnt got any experience.
Now 2 month later i find myself listening to ... the worstest shoucast i have EVER heard.
A list of things that are "unproffesional":
- Playing musik over speakers
- Playing musik while shoutcasting
- Burping
- Using Winamp to stream
- Bad english skills
- Using TS
- Using a public TS server with people joining all the time
- Not knowing the map
Here some quotes: "Does a tank have healthpoints?"
" Croatia is defending, you know, and the AXIS are attacking".
"So i am back, what did i miss?"
"Here are important news: My brother just told me that Pilla? pied on my toilet seat"
"Someone kill my brother"
"Trying to find the transmitter, there it is"
"I am off now...What are you doing?"
Using "once upon a time" randomly, i dont even think you know what it means, do you?
There are so many points that you could give negative critics on but you may just train a bit NON PUBLIC....

He also kept calling the game boring :|
If anyone has a mp3 file of it, please send it, I really want to have some fun.
But its obvious that these shoutcasters should not get a 2nd change.
But its obvious that these shoutcasters should not get a 2nd change.
link to that, please!
thanks! :)
np du geiler matrose! :P
Hmm? I can't find a mistake... :P
pro comment, you see?
That's more something that kiss would say. :P
We need mp3's!!!!
hrhrhr =)
i guess all what they need is some more practice on casting et games. maybe they should listen first to some tosspot or mashed casts. :)
Let them cast cwg games! Seems like a fair match!
first time i lold with u : D
:D 100% agree xDD
lol :D
ET IS NOT LIFE, YOU KNOW, atleast their doing it
ET IS NOT LIFE, YOU KNOW, atleast their doing it
Zerojoker was a shoutcaster, and is serverless atm, i heard him and his level was just slightly higher then what i heard yesterday. Actually much higher.
slightly higher^^. Nice one xeon.
Not really wanting to SC in public atm.
For friends for sure but not really in the mood of doing it public. Time also plays a big role^^.
But thanks anyway.
slightly higher^^. Nice one xeon.
Not really wanting to SC in public atm.
For friends for sure but not really in the mood of doing it public. Time also plays a big role^^.
But thanks anyway.
We need Zero Shoutcasting! New TosspoT on his way :D
haha, for 5€ entry fee.
haha, for 5€ entry fee.
The hell with that! All the others do it for free! :P
ppl asked us to speak english but we are not HIGH skilled in english. I also can shoutcast in estonian with out no problem... We need more practice and i hope you understand.
Thank you!
Greets: Illar.
Thank you!
Greets: Illar.
Illar: I also can shoutcast in estonian with out no problem...
So you mean it will be a problem? :)
So you mean it will be a problem? :)
haha niet zo bijdehand doen jij he :P
(grtz stinkerd :P )
(grtz stinkerd :P )
it was not about the language, it was about the style^^.
Just read my blug again.
it was not about the language, it was about the style^^.
Just read my blug again.
Please reduce your audio quality to 48-56 kbps. I listened to it and every 2 seconds it was reloading. Also, you were almost sleeping while shoutcasting.
Practice on some old games, like sae vs ins!.
Practice on some old games, like sae vs ins!.
I think its better to practice on old games idd, on replays but please people don't want to hear this stuff live, go ask on comedy central then :P
I only listen to TosspoT <3
<3 Tosspot :D
whahhahahahahahhahhhahaahhahahaha :D
tosspot ftw
Lol! That's pretty sucky... Need link to the already famous shoutcast :P (btw what match did they cast?)
musik :D
What's the problem of casting from Winamp? It's very easy and comfortable.
need finnish shoutcasteers