Cheating... is it for fun? (1890 Views)
As we all know, today, in most servers, cheating is one of the most common thing! Either aimbot or wallhack. Why are people doing this? Is it to show that they know how to hack punkbuster or is it just for fun? Why hack? What's the fun of having aimbot or wallhack and go in a server and use them? I think that people are doing so to show that they know how to hack punkbuster not for any other reason because every client on a server realises that a player has aimbot or wallhack. And the hackers try to act innocent. The point of this journal is to show that hacking is like a competition to show that people know how to hack and one better than the other not because they want to be better.

I think they hack because they are retarded and to compensate their small penises.
nP (just as your blog, this comment is useless. There will always be hackzors and although they spoil other guys fun, they don't give a shit and they won't stop. And "showing that you know how to hack" doesn't impress me @ all. But I like your point of view, interesting psychology)
nP (just as your blog, this comment is useless. There will always be hackzors and although they spoil other guys fun, they don't give a shit and they won't stop. And "showing that you know how to hack" doesn't impress me @ all. But I like your point of view, interesting psychology)
Well it doesn't impress anyone mate... It's just a pity they don't allow others to play the game the proper way.
Ehm..? It's not like the guys who use it coded the hack. They just use it. So there is no reason they can be proud of it.
I can't undersant what you mean when you said: "The guys who use it coded the hack. they just use it."
I don't think I can say it any clearer.
But what does coded the hack mean?
It's not like the guys who use it coded the hack
They didn't do anything special to use it. You just get it and use it. There are sites on the net who sell hax for kinda 250. So what stupid piece of shit would ever pay this for a simple hack. In ET for fuck sake.
They didn't do anything special to use it. You just get it and use it. There are sites on the net who sell hax for kinda 250. So what stupid piece of shit would ever pay this for a simple hack. In ET for fuck sake.
Yep mate you're right now I get what you mean :) thanks mate
cheaters cheat, because they think it is funy to cheat. Thats what the most cheaters think and those cheaters mostly play on publics, not in a private war(server).
Those who do cheat in a war, do it to be better then the others. They just hate to get raped, and can't handle a loss.
furthermore: agreed with mr. butchji
Those who do cheat in a war, do it to be better then the others. They just hate to get raped, and can't handle a loss.
furthermore: agreed with mr. butchji
agree ... perhaps there some who cant handle getting killed on cheats on a public too, to better than others ... so more retarded
butchji = online only ? :o
He did good in q'con o.O
oh yeah, forgot that part :d
keep in mind the fact that teams that have participated in it were incredibly unskilled.
yeah, like idle
Cheaters suck donkeycock!
troo godverdikkest !
nope it is not for fun
they just need the attention that they didn't get irl.
I totally agree!
Expert speaking.
you suck.
cheats are for cheaters !!!!1 remember that.. O_O
i think that there is some kind of competition going on. Sure there are some noob cheaters out there who just connect to a server, start their name changing script and just own everyone. But in the last months the regular cheaters changed their behaviour. They are trying to stay undetected. Their game is not to play ET or anything else, their game is to trick the other players so that they won't suspect them. They build up new identities, register them at yawn and crossfire to make them look serious and cheat very "skilled". Most of em don't use bots, just wallhacks not to be too obvious. I caught several of them in the last few months on punkbuster screenshots. So my opinion is that there are many cheaters out there who just cheat for the thrill not to get caught.
that's the best crap i've ever heard of :)
Always play on servers that stream to pbbans :)
Keep things upto date :)
RTCW:Enemy Territory 20,230 Cheaters Busted (so far)
#pbbans / server Quakenet
Keep things upto date :)
RTCW:Enemy Territory 20,230 Cheaters Busted (so far)
#pbbans / server Quakenet
Everyone wants to test it once, to know how it feels
What's the feeling? Finger on mouse and 3 headshots always? I don't call that fun!
well it is
the whine afterwards is fun
the whine + you never tryed one, so you have no reason to actually talk about whats fun or not
Well if you like hacking so much do it on NON-PB SERVERS To make it fair to the legit players
Ahhaha cheaters lol....i allways just laugh my ass off when i see sum hacker and just complaint to administrator so he will be banned...coz all ze cheaters will get banned someday well maybe not soon but...