iTG Special about razz (2902 Views)

written by nl FlyingDJ on 10.05.06 08:36


good job
bb little razzje
did i miss something?

razz got caught using rivetuner ie. removing ALL kinds of foliage, even that from trees and bushes, pb screenshots as proof =]

like r_picmip 15
cool listening to yermanenglishflyingdj now ;P
lol @ wemakearazzspecial :D

but n1 job anyway

Hostname - #Disposable
Game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (ET)
Version ET 2.60 linux-i386 Mar 10 2005
Protocol 84
Mod etpro (3.2.5)
Active This server is reported as active

ALEXL. F41E143D22

The day everything went wrong for Mr. =O) aka Razz

Yesterday evening he played with
pessa'alexL 058d00e2 2170376EFE... 2006/05/09 Details
pessa'razz 3c564c75 8E54462DD4... 2006/05/09 Details
pessa'Pepper 16c5ed69 31881B235E... 2006/05/09 Details


ey leave our server alone!!! :D
nice special report...i dont know whos the guy who talked the whole time, like that he sent it to mrozu and staff...of course it is like a cheat but what he said is just dont overrate it...and i guess there are a lot of another players whos using the same...
we were myself,fdj,decem,mrozu,mudi and a special guest within saevvki of clan mvk xD
the only advantage of that riva tuner shit is that you dotn have trees and bushes...according to the cb rules this is a cheat. so he deserves a ban.
picmip doesnt give you any FPS boosts.
it does on grfx cards with slow ram (or slow BUS to ram) - but thats not the case for recent grfx cards
my voice > his
you sound italian - hmm - lemmi think why that is ^^
italian is better then what ive heard :P

you sound yerman, wonder why... ^^
o'rly ?

--> what have you heard?
lol mens0

every type of cheat need a ban and if razz plays with hax he must get the consequences

imho its a type of honour and sportmanship to play without any modifications which not allowed and with this aktion he shows that he hasnt any of these qualities!!!

so ban razz out of all gaming-leaguez and hope he drop e-Sport(or his mum wont buy him new hardware :))
i'd really like to hear an official statement from him what he thinks and what he's planning to do ...
i didnt said anything like dont ban him or he isnt a cheater... ;)
"Traces of cheats (e.g. variable settings) without actual cheating: 1-season cup ban + 3-month ladder ban for the player, forfeit loss for the clan."
152 minutes for someone who tried cheats? jesus christ, get some hobbies...
better to make a big fuzz than nothing
was thinking of fizz - mind me, its getting warm ;-)
screenshots ny1? xd

razz doesn't cheat i think =/ why he should do that ?
mate....he doesnt see any bushes or trees....with this settings he see u earlier than u snuff him...its a cheat...over and out
omg ugly screen toxic i dont call that hax i call that ugly
yeah but liek who teh fuuk is razz?
an (after he was busted) ex player of helix, a clan which is playing EC
omg 152 minutes for some1 who wants to cheat....veeeeery interessting :-O
So according to the rules, Hx should be exluded from the EC

let's ban the cb crew from CB now..

I have too much skill so I have to tone it down
Sainted ... U R SO F*CKING RETARDED !!!
"Regarding the razz issue
We want to apologize and distance ourselves from what razz did to improve his ET performance. This has nothing to do with the ET squad or Helix in general, because as you all know it is impossible to check every single player and the management should be able to trust its players. razz betrayed this trust and will therefore be kicked immediately. He - and he alone - has to take responsibility for what he did. The rest of Team - Helix wants to express that they do neither approve nor would ever use such illegal methods to enhance their gameplay in the way razz did. We are sorry for what happened and want to distance ourselves from the recent events."

Helix Statement
btw some dutch players should be carefully now ;)
i have nothing to do with this.

Ban him, so he never plays competetive ET again. No one should have any advantage over the others apart from actual skill, it's a matter of honour to beat you opponents the right way.
It's a bit dramatical, (if he didn't use aimbot as well) he was still a player with a fucking nice aim, which got wasted because he used a hack which changes the graphics... :(
What about a pro boxer putting weights in his gloves? He may of made some nice hits, evaded many more, but at the end of the day, he would be banned from fighting professionalt again, because he cheated the rules.
why now razz ? :(

poor hx
lol poor razz :< so sad :)
poor razz ?
poor hx imo.. fuck little tard razz
2:32:11 of talking lol
Toxic your accent is kewel, you sound like a non-english Chris Eubank :D
and i dont take anti-depressants!
toxic has a such a funny voice hehe :p
i would like to hear your voice!
LMFAO thats what i was thinking of but after like 2 hours lol i couldnt take any more :D

Sad day for british gaming, one of our top players found cheating, good luck to helix with the adjustment.
wahahahha xDDD
is there an offical statement coming any time soon?