GBooky: sth vs sFx (1497 Views)

written by gb angrykid on 02.07.06 22:49


Now I can sleep tight !
fanter ftw?
lol Fanter :8
known issue, set the war to finished and cancelled and it works

thanks for listening to me when i said this issue existed :p
so who won eventually?
a draw:-)
hence the blog
ah.. CB should force deciders for title games.
i agree
Its harder to force deciders for ladder games as even a draw is counted as an advance through points. Plus - there would be little chance sth risking their top spot by playing a decider...
i dont think a team deserves to be at the top if they play 2-2 with a lower ranked team
Well, seeing sfx is ranked #2...
Yeah but if they keep drawing, look at the ridiculous amount of points sfx will gather without getting to n° 1. Tough exercise, I know. BTW will CB be implementing any of the changes suggested over at to make ladders more attractive?