S. N. Battalion vs H2k Gaming (14523 views)

gb rahul
gb Meez
nl perfo
nl Viax
de Sight
fi Rk
de sNoOp
de butchji
pl dialer
at potter
nl abort
ch gifty
03.03.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Masters: Division 1
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: hentai (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 101969
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 408


gl Polish !
dialer doesn't need luck hombre
but its always nice to see comms like this one =)
egoboi, hf
if u'll lose, i'll rly cry
he is egoboy thats true (:
jestes zboczony..mowie ci, jestes zboczony ...zawsze byles, bedziesz zboczony :DDDD
What a match :o
i want to see weak with the rifle again :D
oooo EPICC now gifty is back should be intresting
How? He's way too overrated now -_-
And you're way too retarded, thinking gifty is overrated -.-
Lick his arse more, please
Lol you actually are retarded, so you're saying that, because I say he isnt overrated I'm arselicking :DDDDDDDD
gifty = lowbob
Not my problem if you come across as a complete lickass is it? :o)
The problem is that apparently you dont know what an "asslicker" is
Actually I do, I'm replying to one -_-
gl m33z and sNoOp
Who's fi Rk ?
This coming from a FIN, shame on you!

You have € 55 on eu H2k
Possible win: € 124.3
this will be interesting
gl dialer <3
gl snoop dialer butchji

greetz to your fangirl :p
who could that be? oO
Dunno, but maybe you can tell it to us? :)
omg omg

wat a match....snb already in full form....h2k..all know wat h2k has..

nice match :D

gL snb <3
snb will take this!<3
h2K got this one
i hope we would finnaly get normal lineup
dont we?
listen to the man!
viel glück dir
weak as rifle isnt normal :D
cause he is to weak? :O)
izi for SNB!!! go rahul perfo and reikkeri
Battalion goooooooooooo!
Teamplay is perfect :0
I can not wait!
gl and hf H2K greetz tRn
gl perfo, rahul, meez
gl dialer :)
gl dialer & hentai :)
too izi for H2K

I trust on you abort, what you said on ventrilo some days ago ;)
rk vs snooooop
gl S. N. Battalion + dialer, potter, abort

You have € 5 on eu SNB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 10.9
It's a close game online
What do you mean?
I suppose he means SNB is full of hackers, since h2k won CC6...

Although thats retarded, I think thats what he meant
full of hackers? lol
perfo's bro
meez was banned
sight nexus?
hentai some say he tested something too
reikkeri friend of masculin_mans
viax landodge
was kinda hard to make up the last ones!
tho, viax is indeed quite obvious!
u can add urself for an amazing skilldrop on lan then :D
i was better on lan, in online im total newb
Friends of masculine_mans xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
H2K !!!! GOGOGOGO sNoOp butchji <33 dialer & legend ;DD potter abort gifty ! :*
don't call potter legend cause as you can see preassure is much higher now ... his hand will be shaking
izi 4 SNB
gL h2k
erstmal alles auf H2K ^^


also nicht verlieren! :<

sonst: *knack* *cratz* *bOom* *zack* *klatsch*
You have € 450 on SNB
Possible win: € 922.5
angeber <_<
so easy for fi Reikkeri !
so easy for Sight !
You have € 296 on eu H2k
Possible win: € 577.2
easy for the best clan at the moment
true words my friend SNB is the best one at the moment
Good you add "at the moment", because this wont last that long imo
I see u were being ironic, or do I fail again?
u dont need to reply to every fucking comment on this page you know?
ofc I do, ET is my life
It's like competing for the first place on 6on6 EU ladder :(
You have € 970 on eu H2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1862.4 gogo BoyZz
You have € 25 on eu SNB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 53.5
You have € 30 on eu H2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 56.4

H2K will win this time :)
gl all
gl : Sebastian , Michael , Tobias ! <3
gl battalion
gl H2k
gl both, show us some nice games!
delivery-> snoop panzer -> instant win!
If he doesn't fail ^^
gL snb
You have € 64 on eu H2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 96

Reikkeri easily

and gl dialer !
gl battalion
owsiak powiedzial mi na ucho , ze oj bedzie sie dzialo.
gl gifty <3
butchji I wish i could give you ammo but I guess you have dialer, hf!
GL dialer :)

btw. its going to be a pretty exciting match :)
gl meez viax potter
should be a great game ^_^
2late 2 bet on h2k :(
score??? atm
what maps are going to be played?
H2K!!!!!!!! <33333
stfu and die <33333333
2:2 radar
come irc tomorrow, and give me your irc name plox :>
my bouncer is down :< so i dont go often irc, just add me xfire montana1993 D:
gg h2k great time

Close match
wp h2k ul m33z :(
You have € 800 on eu SNB
You lost
You have € 298 on eu H2k
You won € 461.9
You have € 10000 on eu H2k
You won € 15500
lies 100 € on eu SNB Lost
You have € 754 on eu H2k
You won € 1168.7
You have € 20 on eu SNB
You lost

one day h2k wil not win elimination and then opponent wont choose radar....
that day....h2k wil lose 4-2 :|
or the opponent could just set up a defence on radar!
that day will not come since we are winning 4:2 every game :D (with normal lineup)
they will lost radar vs. opponent who can do good crossfire on radar.
afaik and wat ive seen....bb and h2k r the teams who r very difficult to beat in radar.

u can win 4-0 ezily but i think u guys wanna make the whole match intresting so lose one map and win 4-2 :D
u did like this vs slo and now snb :D

anyways...it was a gr8 game to watch. snb cud have won grush :<
true thay could but some1 stoped them :D
You have € 5 on eu SNB
You lost

no money :D
You have € 500 on eu SNB
gg, deserved radar
gg nice game
damn . .<
You guys suck without me.
SNB ecwinners.
grush was exciting ;D
great show, wp SNB
You have € 15000 on eu H2k
You won € 23250
You have € 2000 on eu SNB
You lost