United Kingdom vs Spain (4264 views)

gb Jeebs
gb Mosphe
gb Stary
gb sn4p
gb Vexx
gb madbone
es iZZi
es Srp
es thrunx
es CRaKeaN
es salego
es Veni-Vidi-Viny
08.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 9506
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 1 - Sponsored by Kartan
By: Seanza (none)

de Team ROCKIT || e-sports-server.de
By: Seanza (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 87
Viewer Peak: 74


hf gl both

dont know who will win :D:D
kiero mi bocadillo!! gl spain!
gl UK
Depends on spaintard line-up ;o
should be fun ^^
dunno who's the worst lagger, torreadors or Vexx lol
yeah gl hf both, will be fun
Spain lineup pl0x?
imo all depends on decider. vehicle map = uk win, infantry map = es win
no kipster no win, my money on spain
we miss kip... we can't find him :<
I would not be so sure, Spain really can handle vehicle maps, but with a defense based on indoor objectives.
hf all!
Vamos Vamos !!!
omfg : O

horn in ass > horn through penis
Ouch !
You have € 500 on ESP
Possible win: € 1075
lagz + ex2 style = Spain. Money on torreadors!
unhit vs unhit = gg
GL to both teams
Lineup es


backup: Shitnooby ;)

only a little bit
only? :(
You are the best example of a poltard. But i'm sure im not the first who noticed it.
You are the best example of a spaniard. But i'm sure im not the first who noticed it.
You achieved a so high level of prickness that you really think 'spaniard' is an insult x'DDDDDDDDD rly, you FAILED.
You achieved a so high level of prickness that you really think 'poltard' is an insult x'DDDDDDDDD rly, you FAILED.
pltards gtfo
U showed how idiot you are to all gtv comunnity, congratz. Now copy paste again my text, it will be the 3rd time you'll fail. I shouldn't explain u this but..pol(polak) tard (retard), yes, is an insult. Poor guy, he did never go school :DDD
oh shiet te puta negro you're right!
GL Spain
is tv connected?
1st map (Salvage): Serp1, Thrunx, Salego, Crackean, Jota & VeNi-ViDi-VinCi

Cheerleaders: Miklón, Feruto, Shinoby. GL All
2-0 uk
4-0 uk.. area22 by england in less than 5mins i think lol
It's not England, retard. It's United Kingdom. My boy Vexx is SCOTTISH!
Damn straight! i aint some morris dancing engerman!
High five my fellow skirt-wearing ginger haggis lover!
High five! Geez ma IRN BRU n tattie scone!
England played well.
Spaniards say goodbye? How sad.
szalona kosc > *
WP lads