n1ce.it vs Royalblood (7833 views)

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22.03.09 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XIX
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 39241
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
de ISIradio - isigame.net
By: rio_
Listen to rio_
Language: Italian
pt Ghulnah'Radio Sponsored by QW-Solutions.com
By: GLH-Candyman
Listen to GLH-Candyman
Language: Portuguese

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 5
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de ISIgame.net#tv1 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 3
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: shadz (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 74


gl rb
gl rb
Italy vs. Portugal!
gl n1ce
mama <333
GL rBlood
is monday 16 LOLO!!!!
it isn't, ask mama.
izi 4 n1ce.et
gl Andre
epic fail in the air
gl gl rb :)
Still can't believe one of these is gonna play EC.
i cant believe it too
true, u should be there :D
Me doesn't like ur sarcasm :(
agreed, same goes for devilry/underscore
tua mae com a mao direita aqui no crlh
gl rb
You have € 200 on it n1ce Cancel bet
Possible win: € 360

I don't bet more, because I don't have!
You have € 2500 on rblood
Possible win: € 3725

ai de ti que me percas dinheiro
rich man
aposta nos omnia que tb ficas rico

gg ontem ouvi dizer que jogaram bem =]
ontem fizemos pracc contra os vosso proximos adversarios os aurea, fizemos 5 minutos no delivery lol izi bash para voces
epah ontem tb devia ter sido izi bash e perdemos um mapa que nos normalmente n perdemos por isso, vamos jogar normal sem pensar que e uma vitoria facil se n tamos fodidos.
tranquiiiloooooo meu puto, nao perdes dinheiro!
You have € 30 on pt rblood Cancel bet
Possible win: € 60
all i have
gogo mama :)
You have € 50 on n1ce
Possible win: € 148.5
pizza pizza pizza
You have € 200 on it n1ce Cancel bet
Possible win: € 360
Putos portuguesesssssss
A ganar!!!!!!
did n1ce licked admins foot again? sounds like that because we havent seen the activity from n1ce since ALOT TIME AGO FFS

this is all admins shit

they will fold after ec quali if they lose this
never licked any foot and no n1ce team ever folded during a tournament what kind of crap are u talking about ?
best of luck setup n' co hope you will make it :-)
hf mama tho.
gogo rb ! <3
easy for mama :-))
Gl paneleiros <3
gl mama <3
i want to see Milan Vs Napoli -.-' mama low (he make offi only when A.C. Milan play)
MILAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
ez 4 ag0n
forza ragazzi

You have € 7456 on it n1ce Cancel bet
Possible win: € 10885.76

Divertitevi, tranne vegeta :E
IZI 4 SEXCLIK!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOPZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
You have € 2400 on rblood
Possible win: € 5280

se estes cabrões não me ganharem o dinheiro, atiro-me pela janela xDDD
isso é que é por o pescoço no cepo lol...
Tihi @ kMt
jet hahahahaha !
sexclick will lose like always! gl my lovy!
You have € 1000 on rblood
You won € 2050
gg... o ceu é o limite :D

gz RB

gl @ EC ;)
You have € 250 on pt rblood
You won € 512.5
You have € 5407 on pt rblood
You won € 11084.35

sry Ovie :x
lol, didnt expected this ...
portuguese ppl going insane!
You have € 2400 on rblood
You won € 4920
hf in EC agon
thanks, good luck for your team too
You have € 500 on pt rblood
You won € 1025
gl :)
ffs fix my flag faggot
You have € 7456 on it n1ce
You lost

thnx n1ce :((

parabéns Português ownerzz <3
You have € 500 on rblood
You won € 1025

ben jogo rapaziada!
HAHA nice RB
wtf happened mama & dio..
4th league teams dont go to EC...