Authentic Gaming vs #PlixPlax (8298 views)

pl zMk
nl saKen
nl ZAK-
pl uf0l
ru JOkE
fr kARn4J
fr RizZle
si carniee
ee Sinnu
pl n00n
nl morf
nl Joshua
dk Squash
22.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XIX
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 41096
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 2
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 4
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: saKen (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 77


go joke & saken izibash ;P
izi for auth
is it forced? Don't really know if I can play on sunday -.-
agreed this date with Sinnu =o
This should be a nice qualifier imo :)
Gl both teams!
this should be easy for plixplaX :)

you go girls! :)
izi for plixplax
gl karnaj ;)
gl team-zak
HF Authentic ;)
gl morf santje & zak (&overschie if the nub is playing !
gL both ;)
gl =)
GL carniee :P
Shouldn't the offi be 21cet?
ja wel 21:00
ik had nog gezegd ik speel niet later dan dat
I scheduled the game with Sinnu, both mundus and my priv chan are showing 21:30 so can't see where you come up with 21:00, sorry. can't play that early.
tbh het was eerst om 21.00 alleen toen moesten ze het veranderen voor jullie maar wie zegt dat wij dan kunnen spelen. kut cb maarja helaas we zien wel
gl saKen, morf, joke & ofc n00n :) izi bash for auth
gl saken!
gL karnaj
Gl jua ( nou laat is wat zien dan! ) , gl joshua , gl overschie(if the noob is playing !
gl juA, ZaK-, overschie if the pwner is pwning.
if it is 21.30 don't delay it because I don't have the time for waiting if it starts 21.30
karnaj @ dESIRE? :o
This is the worst quali ,both teams should be in ec
tho plixplax should change their name:D
plixplax > all
disagree :< best name atm in the scene (by far)
Good one! :D
plixplax is nowhere near EC skill
gl Sinnu ;)
should be izi 4 auth
should be izi 4 plixplax
nl saKen
nl ZaK-
pl zMk
pl uf0l
fr RizZle
se slajdan

gl both
gl plxplx, authentic switched like zillion players in few weeks? Expected..
GL guys !
Ziomek + Uf0l = me <3

izi bash
gl hf auth
21:52 auth`saKen • need high 6th for EC quali pm
pl edain for pl uf0l, anyone know how to fix LOSING KEY PACKETS please /q auth`uf0l`` thanks
Bijna grappig! 8-DD
n1 changing 10members faggots. Team members are playing instead of plixplax members.
(22:16:36) (@[CB]Bartichello) it's not against the rules
(22:16:46) (@[CB]Bartichello) +2 new members won't make up for any old ones
(22:16:51) (@[CB]Bartichello) that are missing

who is playing from ?
best ec qualifier match ever.
GL karnaj/squash tho.
are these 180° turn scripts allowed or disallowed now?
what cup was it with all those teamkicks and forfeit losses because of script use?

gg kurwa... stracilem 100 ojro :o
CB admins go fuck yourself rly
gl OC

wat hapened?!
March 22
21:05 Added member(s) edain
21:03 Added member(s) beAsty
17:18 Added member(s) uf0l
March 19
23:31 Added member(s) slajdan
March 18
22:39 Added member(s) RizZle

anyway they were better, gg
You have € 268 on eu plixplax
You suck
You have € 110 on Auth
You won € 246.4

easy money, slj cant loose :O)
where the fuck was joke?
add bartichello for your 7th imo
HF in OC Sinnu

well played to the rest of the team.
You have € 57 on eu Auth
You won € 127.68

no surprise here then. with the lu auth has make it funny to watch, bad luck plixplax but you knew this would happen, gg auth without your 2 best known hackers in you still did ok . <33 zmk
SKILL = 1 mouse click 3 head shots! a skill that is beyond my believes
2 best known hackers? who!?
juA and JOkE (maybe, maybe not) or you totally removed juA
both are no longer in the main lineup
well good job then mate, hope you do well :) i can stfu now
-rizzle +joke and youll win EC:D
lolled:p watch the match and you see rizzle going crazy :XD
omg joke omg
You have € 250 on eu Auth
You won € 560
gg bledard
You have € 300 on eu Auth
You won € 672

What's was auth's lu?
saken zak zmk rizzle slajdan edain