underscore vs 1stCav eSports Club (8788 views)

hu BoRi
hu adze
hu Nonix
hu Ocelot
hu Karrde
hu powi
gb TEKN0
pl Jebutor
fi Sanda
pl s1LENT
fi Spirea
gb h20xyg3n
19.03.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XIX
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 40263
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 115


gogo powi & h20
gl und!
gl und + Karrde
hf s4rna + nonix <3
gl srácok:)
gl eu devilry : ) + hu adze : )
gl hu und

You have € 20 on hu und Cancel bet
Possible win: € 36.8
Mindent rátok raktaaaammm...vazzeg győzni kelll:D<3 Karrde<3
no rizo no win btw gl adze bori
ja ez nem volt szép bori a kick :\
sry későn láttalak!
gl hf will be nice match :)
ROFL sanda and spirea playing a 6v6 first time ever :X
I hope this is a joke :D
You have € 100 on pl devilry Cancel bet
Possible win: € 187
gl devilry ;)
gl und.
gl bori
gl karrrde
easy for tekno bruh
too izi for devilry :O)
GL und, adze, dani
You have € 85 on hu und Cancel bet
Possible win: € 148.75
Xd gl :DD
You have € 183 on und
Possible win: € 322.08

LOLOLOL decsakmer kb oc szintű team ellen kell menni, amúgy a két csapat kb. egy szinten van

undnak ha bejut ec csoportra imho esélye se lesz továbbjutni
TEKN0 =p He is not that good... GL Boski, Sanda, Spirea and Jebutor!!
gl jake
izi 4 devilery
gl jake
GL tekno and silent :)
Gl devilry

sanda spirea <3

GO s1LENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have € 86 on hu und
Possible win: € 260.58

LOLOLOL decsakmer kb oc szintu team ellen kell menni, amúgy a két csapat kb. egy szinten van

undnak ha bejut ec csoportra imho esélye se lesz továbbjutni
gl Jake :D <3
gl s1LENT <3
nice lineup at devilry.
high ego u got there
gl und
hf both
gl old ovsboys and fins !
thx, anyway what will your lineup be?
tbh dunno:/ cause fierros laptop is broken,freeze@finland:d
gl underscore, nice guys :-) & sanda, spirea, tekno ofcourse x)
gl Karrde & und
gl devilry
gl tekno, adze,karrde,silent :-)
hf spirea n' sanda
gl underscore, gl tekno,Spirea :-)
gl spirea and adze
could be close
gl s1lent and bori :)

s1lent will rape!
if tekno, s1lent or karrde get to play EC then ET is surely dead
and you are?
yes,because only guys who are known should play EC, no matter what skill they have.. TRUE! idiot.
So there should play the same players season after season? hm k.

true words s1lent
no, only the skilled ones
if you are that silent who often playing with viol and came from germany/poland then i know you. so you are fucking famous and well known.
it's different guy, this one writes his nick with 1 instead of i and is ger/pl, viol's friend was from aut and got busted from hax etc :p
suck my nuts prick, same goes for me? i've never played EC before
yeah, you're right, I should've mentioned you, and you mentioned you never played EC, you shouldn't now either
gl silent
Rofl, tekno & h20 & jebutor.

Nicely done Clanbase! You let the 4 weakest teams of the qualis play each other =)
samsung Thursday, 19th March 2009 13:27
if [...] karrde get to play EC then ET is surely dead

et is surely dead


:D You re a trash actor actreeesssss
gl tekn0
gl both teams i wont be watching such a boring match
predictions 4:0 devilry
shouldnt be that boring tbh.
gLLLLL Spirea
You have € 85 on hu und Cancel bet
Possible win: € 548.25
gl s1lent tekno bori
gl tekohno
gl _KARRDE, i hope you will show same good perfomance today like @CPMA
gl adze
Hát skacok, nagyon remélem hogy ezúttal sikerül! Máccs láv mindenkinek, nincs kegyelem!
Meg ki a faszom az a Tekno meg Jebutor? Soha nem hallottam róluk... ja és hogy a másik
csapat is kapjon nyalást:

good luck h2o & spirea!
in english?
he said u were suck
same in English?
seems obvious that you have some issues.
that he hopes they (underscore) win it this time and then he wonders who u and jebutor is, since he never heard about u.
perfect, my hungarian bro! ^^
i said i dont know you and the polish guy.
underscore <3 :D
2:0 und
You really suck, you are like the english pesh :DDD Lowest dmg all the time :/
dmg isnt any thing idiot
Well, it is at least something
it is jake it is!!!! thats why im so good!
i dunno why you are telling the scores whilst you are playing.

i think you are a nervous kid playing a "BIG:DSA:DA:ASD:" match on ettv
maybe we waited 5 for start, its not unnormal for a player to post scores
epic match :D
spirea will do it ;)
Both dont deserve to be in EC imo but gl I guess.
4-2 devilry gg
gg , was a nice game
another sad news for the community...
fuck this and fuck tekno! lowbie ec :<
TEKN0 > you
fuck you emo fin i own that bitch!!! :<

still love you though <3
only thing you own is that migdet in your neighbour!
why flame? :<
e: gl at ec!
ye close at radar! its like another match ive seen in a fragmovie once before :)
good match , gl devilry :O
so how did u like our first 6on6 ever :) ?
wp spirea, believed in you ! :))
You have € 5 on hu und
You lost

I didn't
so u are actually starting to play 6on6?:D couldn't find 3rd or?:O
does this look like I am playing seriously :D ?

and actually we got a pretty nice 3rd atm after a long time again
i don't know that's why i asked :D hmm nice, cya s00n after i fixed my gfx failures :D
what's so funny? have u ever played ec quali? if not pls Press 1, if yes press 1. thx
E:oh and i forgot:u are a fucking whiner lowskilled kid
damn i hate this game
wp devilry
Both team played well
i wanted underscoore to win cause adze superskill hh :]
it wasnt enough this time :D