Team Plasa vs True Destination (6015 views)

at Scorch
at jaN
nl ton1
ru aLKz
it Vegt4
de rAiNBOW
no Domi
nl banann
nl Loekino
nl 1pson
gb potty
gb dark
17.03.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Masters: Division 2
Manager: 4live (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 34027
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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 26


GL plasa
shit time course of SNB vs AUTH
gl plasa
gl alkzz
np for loekino
gl Scorch jaN Tamschi
gl potty
WWOOOTT potty XD seem to mis you every time, now your afk on bpark
lal plz np 4 sa
loekino hier liam aka dikke haters hierzo :D
more cheaters!
GL Alkz
gl potty machine
[23:40] @Sssht`DarK: izi bash

gl SA
dont let the cheaters hold you down potty!
I have a feeling I'm going to fail bad :(
just stay of the cake till after
lol u gonna ipson, 1pson!
raged u fools !
ik zal het nog wel even harder over doen :P
gl potty <3
gl krts + banaan : - )
we hadden 3 weken geleden ofzo tegen plasa gespeelt en stelde niet veel voor, maar in 3 weken kan veel veranderen :D

maarja ik heb jullie gister zien spelen op ettv, en als jullie spelen zoals toen zou het izi bash moeten zijn :D
bedankt voor de analyse dray :DDDD
We gaan wel zien!
gl hf vanavond, vanaf morgen mag je me je fops secrets bijleren xDDD
Welke fops skills :{ ik doe maar random dinkies :D
np 4 loeloe and ipson :D

Lul xD

ik ga ook analyse doen bij snb vs auth
gl potty
gl hf guys :) cu all tomorrow again ;)

and i will not be playing as i will be in the train from berlin back to NL, so put domi in the lineup :)
GL Loekino/Sssh
hf scorchi jaN & r4in ;)
gl potty and loekino
GL dark & eagerrrrrrrrrrr
Danke all! I have now moved house so I have good Internet I hope but a shitty small desk. Even smaller then the space you get on LAN :(
"good internet" like the other night?:D
ipson!!! :D

<- Bassie
standard place
Go Plasa Go!
gl plasa
Izi bash for loekino!!! <33333333
GL Tamschii du hardcore huso :P
domi !!!!!!!!
LOL loekino #5.6hs per kill:D
my aim is shit atm! lets hope it gets better soon
zal vast wel meevallen:P
hf loekinooooo
thanks my beatbox idol <3
gl dark
Thanks everyone, should be a good game.
gl Loeeee,loekino pwn all and he si sexy too.
<33333333333333 sagapawwww
I Wish loekino GOODLUCK!

Hope you will do better on LAN this time :DDDD
not you:P
You wanna say last spot on CDC3 was so impressive with jaN his online skill?
domi vs cheaters 1 - 0 :DDDD
wasnt last? stands also in my profile :D 14 out of 21. so np for us. Was funny to play the first time on a widescreen
WoW! 14 out of 21 !!! :DDD and the first time on a widescreen.. random excuse
random excuse? y right, so imo u mean that i need to win a lan to get lanproofed? i give a fuck on such guys like you... i want to have fun with the guys i know and have a few nice days. So plz, if u rly think that im soooo lan disproofed, just look all my demos on cc5, k? thx bb
care for your excuses i just pwnd you!
Sorry, but stop failing please im not talking about your skill im talking about mr.obvious himself jaN
raged by ipsonatori ^^ wp guys
edit 0-4 SA
4-0 for SA
You have € 100 on eu Sssh
You won € 147
You have € 726 on eu Sssh
Possible win: € 1067.22
Give me some of your money!
nice win ;D
San Andreas Gaming ftw
need update!!! for money!
oO wp domi
I sucked vs them :{
he sucked you should have specced me !
1pson raged them!!
Expected, gg SA
You have 441 on plasa
You lost

fu :<