ShAkal vs rNk (3793 views)

16.03.09 17:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 1on1 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: _ShAkal (Requestee)
Maps: Mp_sillyctf
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2451
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr #eNergiz TV I
By: kURS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


gl hf
auf wenn soll ich setzen?
Who will win?
gl shakal - hf against this cheaterguy!
wer guckt sich denn das an?
mach ne demo die schickste denn den paar hanseln die es sehen wollen
hf rnk
omfg gtfo low+
rNk zniszczyl by ciebie z zamknietymi oczami i zawiazanymi rekami
i bez spodni !
to dziwne bo ja go zniszczylem 1n1 xD

w ogole kim ty jestes ze mi odpisujesz randomie
moze lepiej powiedz kim ty jestes jezeli go zniszczyles
i kim musze byc zeby ci odpisac? kims znanym? bogatym?
bez spodni !
ciezki tydzien, wybacz
ciezki tydzien bez spodni!
no to jak mnie nie znasz to co mi mowisz ze mnie zbije jebany deklu o0
to mi kurwa powiedz kto cie zna
haha wypierdalaj


Member Since
11th February 2009

czlowieku jak ja mialem konto na gtv to ty na karetke wolales ijo ijo , wiec zamknij pysk randomie
sorry ale zalozylem konto troche wczesniej od ciebie,
aha i podaj swoj realnick
gl shakal :D
ne wat is dat interessant...
all my money on rNk shakal is low
go Shakal =)
more low at ettv
haha, now that is pathetic! jaymod player has spoken! ::DD:D:D:DDDD:D:D:D::D:D::D LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
Mr.High has spoken !!
lol, the only thing that matters here is a fucking low cunt flaming around calling people low, while your pussy skill doesnt reach by far the skill of this match.
as i said, stop beeing wnb high and get in real world.
do you realise you make no sense? don't you?, perhaps living in 3rd world makes you too short to understand basic things. I feel you. "get in real world" low
more low commenst on ;)
100 slots oO
2 hätten es auch getan
nein ich schau zu und der gerd und der noname sind schon 3 -.-
denn rückter halt enger zusamm stellt euch nich so an :D
<@rNk> chcialem im dac bana ale dalem opa bo czesto daje opy
de meNtal_ Monday, 16th March 2009 14:40
all my money on rNk shakal is low
izi shakal ;D
GL Shakal!!! <3 :)
srerok a nie renok :DD
ShAkal 1.77 2.29 rNk You have € 12 on rNk
You won € 27.48
rnk that wasnt gumballs trick and it doesnt works so!!!
i dont care, sry guys but u lost money !!!!!
You have € 68 on pl rNk
You won € 155.72
edik Monday, 16th March 2009 15:20
izi shakal ;D

no prawie
lost :(
shakal :(
dobrze, ze wygral polak ;d tylko szkoda, ze postawilem na shakala ;p myslalem, ze doswiadczeniem wygra ;p
Polish Powa
jakim tam doswiadczeniem =D