uQ.Gaming (old) vs Logitech UVM (6210 views)

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WL Premier Semifinal
12.01.06 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Warleagues 5
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: andyF1 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #kg-clan.de PsB-Stream Matchserver
By: *Rhoenator* (ettvd)
de Liga4Fun ETTV admin TanTe
By: GTVd
gb [#Impact.Gaming] TV Server
By: eVo (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


sE will own them tbh :D lets hope it will...
need ettv ips
they will appear
i hope|:-|
it is!
mmmmh uQ gonna pWn<3(l)
hmmm... sE ?:D
omg why homeofhosts aint broadcasting? :<
good luck logitech !
mystic, marry me?! (l)
dawac panowie jazda z nimi!!
uQ !!!
goo godsinc
g00d luck Logitech !!!! But i thin so uq win because UQ have the best skill players and they are the best clan in Europ :]
demos anywhere? 8-)
pobrac te cipki
go god <3 my silesian brother,
more polish comments please !
(l) uQ
mystic <o/
ettv? :|
Qrwa jest ten mecz czy qrwa go nie ma
opoznienie chyba bedzie o 23:00
lol is the match rescheduled or they are searching for a server for about 40 minutes?? >:/:o:@:?
is it hard to post here whats happening ffs
Thursday, 12. 1. 2006 21:00
uQ vs Logitech
lol gg
next year? so typical.
lol 12 jan 2006............ !:O?!
I think it may have been because the #Talk.ET cup went into a 3 map match so many of the ETTV server were still connected to the #Talk.ET cup servers when the uQ match was due to start.
Well nice guess but we would never re-schedule an important match due to ettv. No it was scheduling between the teams and trying to fit both a Semi Final and Final into a time when everyone wants to celebrate Xmas!

Anyway unfortunately it let ppl down who were waiting but at least no Forfeit and we can all start next year with some good games to watch!
Logitech win :P:D
that would be nice, they have some really nice players! 8)
i belive in logitech... but to be honest uQ will kick their butts ;)(l)
yea uQ is the best but at least i wish logitech wont get totally owned :)
<3 mystic!!!!!

Polish power!!
Taiiiii CHiii Kaiiii Niiiiii|:-|
Taiiiii CHiii Kaiiii Niiiiii|:-|(l)
Cheese 8-)
You are joiking right that sE will have any change?
4 : 0 uQ 100% sure
ETTV down =O ?
n1 @ 100 slots :<
go go Logitech xD/:/
uQ With NoProblem.;)
Logitech is the best :O! Log win ! uQ fu :P
=o Tie game Imo.. :B
wtf is sE? :$
Poland go go go!!!!:)
Logitech win (100%).
rofl , logitech owned p!mps with luck and with pingrape.
Now they will own parodia already? myass
4:0 to UQ.gaming
uQ parodia jeejee
Hmm...I think: Logitech win.
Egg Fried Rice Rawks! :D
GL&HF in New Year guys :)
Guys who say sE wil win dont know much about ET
Parodia ftw|:-|
se have no change to win!:P
even gl & gg > spam.... so for both :D
all hopes in Mrozu:D
Polish spam on ettv > all :o as i said uQ > sE
uQ can lost only from Parodia:P:P:P:P
move!move!move!8) Log!t3ch :P
them logitechs look good contenders for EC :D
Logitech!!! GO GO GO!!!
uQ will own :]
Logitech for sure ;[
EX [Parodia] wins :P Mystic <3(l)(l)(l)(l)(l)
Go Logitech GO !!! :D
more ettvs needed (l)
need more comments
sqawker your mom 100% more polish spam pls
im after log, thats for sure =D but do they have any chances? :<:(
Logitech u mast win :D
no comment
co !?
mystic will blow your brains out
Logit3ch Move!! Move!! dajcie czadu :)
Wydymal bym jakiegos esensowca najlepiej samotnego nursa :X
uQ FTW! :P:P
uQ vie |:s
uQ will win imo
The farmer ffrom logitech will own al UQ xD
Go Go !! LoGiT3h Winer !!:D:D:D
Logitech = WTF??? uQ=Pwnage
uQ 4 : 0 Logitech

uvm pobierzcie ich, to sa lamki, po prostu mieli farta i wygrali pare waznych meczy xDDDD
Pobrac leszczy z plebsikami sie nie pieprzyc
uQ /:/
New spam record I reckon! :P
Only 1 more day!
<3 polaks and kurwas and whatever

but uQ will do it :?
more spam?
mystic is overrated:o
4-0 uQ
UQ imo but gl logitech :D
Logi will surely own them :)
gl mrozu ;)
Looks like some people here knwo nothing about the actual et scene .. cough Yanek1 cough.

uQ will win it with 4-0.
logitech 4:0 uQ uQ lame logitech win gl Tesheloff x]
Lodziteh Lodziteh !!! :D :D :D
Go, Go Logitech !!!!!!!!!!!
GL !!!
gl logitech :P
GL&HF LOGITECH you must win ;) go!go!go!:)
Logitech rulezz Mrozu owned all xDDD
Logit3ch go go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L3r3k za wami :D:D:D
no slot >:
damn, lost the 2nd map...:@
who won? uq 4, log 0??