Designate vs Black Point (4546 views)

22.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ESL 4on4 Infantry Opening Cup Playoffs
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Seanza (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 2555
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 1 - Sponsored by Kartan
By: Seanza (none)
de war server
By: Seanza (none)

Total Slots: 51
Viewer Peak: 35


hf gl XD
gogo 3lack :)

kick their high ego asses
HAHAHAHAHA i thought it's a german issue
the match will be between 21:30 and 22:00 because of the players availability. Will keep you informed.
4-0 for kraken if hes on fire
additional fire you mean? :D
assholes vs assholes
must be nice non-frustrating peacefull match

Except for mojonis he is rly cute :$
ez for 3lack
2-2 now... playing 3rd map
4-2 3laCk as expected...
Obvious troll is obvious
demos first
yes it might hurt them
hahaha robertos... you always whining...
Demo request means whine? obvious trolling is obvious ....
Miklon is funny :)
hahaha Miklon is Miklonator!!!!! El puto amo xD
omg.. designate are requesting the demos... hahaha.... omg They do not want to accept the result unless we upload the demos first, fucking whiners. Too much ego here, I know.
they can request demos if they want, if you have nothing to hide is there anything wrong with it?
If a team requests, gotta show 'em. :/

Didn't get to watch this game, who's the supposed hacker now?
we can always request demos after an official match, its your responsibility to deliver them, that's all there to is.
Did mamut get to see the demos after CB match last season btw?
for sure we did :D:D:D
I'm intrigued, gief link of demo's if avi :D
Of course aA... demos uploaded... I hope to find yours as well, and read below... I also want to hear about Surio GUID not been registered in the ESL tournament.
If a player or team suspects that another player or team is violating a regulation during a game, the demo can be demanded of the opposing team straight away. The admins are only to be called in, when suspicions continue to exist even after the demos have been viewed. In this case, the clan or player may proceed and send the admin the game demos. The admin will then take the appropriate action.

kk thx
Of corse demos are uploaded, we do follow the rules, however I have a quick question for designate... Do you know why Surio has been playing the ESL tournament without having his GUID properly registered??? We will talk about this with the referees... Quite interesthing, isnt't it?
Where are kraken demos on esl?:XD

zielarz lowbrainer


read news first

just because u cant loose

and yes i cant fucking loose !!!!!! :D ouch like i write before there are restrictions for playoffs and we can see here Gameaccount = NO so zero that what you came with is for group stage kk thx ;p mr. lowbrainer and yes mr. Nadug you should learn how to read aswell spanishtard ;p
Zielard, I have to learn to write English, but you should learn to read English.
infact :<
oi oi spanistard learn to read english :)
Designate Owned girls in action =P
Crackean gay won somethink for 1st time woo he will get premium acc on esl weee !!!
Crakean is not gay, it's a shemale :)
hahahaha Thx for this moments By nike? no by Designate girls xD
OMG... the poliretardds are proud of their "awesome" level of english.... fucking awesome.
My demo only say one thing designate nice lagorz =D