sWat vs invitium (5883 views)

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Winner Brackets Finale!

Quote by dnlLast days our praccs aren't going like we would like to and invitium is a strong opponent, prolly the best polish-only team atm, but if we will play as we should and without big mistakes, we can take it. final score 4-2 sWat

Quote by voilerWell I think we should take it. We prac only 3 days per week but as you know we play together for 1 year and we don't need to train so hard. I predict 4-0 for us
02.04.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Freshcore Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: phase (Generaladmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20405
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#2?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 32


sWat ofc, syriusz postaraj sie dla mnie <3
Total Pot: e 50

You have e 50 on invitium
Possible win: e 98
gl swat :- )
gl blk :* nie podkręcaj za bardzo ;)):*
imo swat 2:4 invitium
but gl ;)
swat 4:0 xDD Syru CISNIESZ :)
swat+syriusz=4:2 8)
ksenia :***************************
belczyn gorolski pomiocie karaj =D, hotti :*
japa hanyska maso
go sWat
invitium pretty convinced to win... xD
syr :-) go dziwko ;-)
b.dobry mecz sie zapowiada >:D
GL swat
ebash for us :o)
ofc swat !
izi bash for R0dia :*
gl invitium : *
gl sWat :]
invitium haxy. jebane i rodia.
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD yhy jasne powiedz jak zgadles bo tyle czasu sie maskowalismy ??
nie badz taki madry bo Cie zbustuje ;D
no tak to byly emocje wiecej nie popelnie takiego bledu :D:D
yhy ta haxie juz sie nie bron bo bedzie bust
gl syriusz ;)
GL sWat :-)
You have € 5 on si sWat Cancel bet
Possible win: € 13.15 gogo :D
sekmes rodia :))) easy for you
invitium pany plebs pobrany !!!!!!!!
jak tak wyglada kara to xDDDDD
4 fullholdy n1

wp :P
rly wp, hillas do budy!
bardzo ladny meczyk panowie gg dzieki za gre
Fajny mecz. GG
gg ;)
a tak na serio dobry mecz gg
4-2 invitium phase will update soon
syriuszbiznes jak chuj
i znowu mialem racje co do wyniku xD