Druidz e-Sports GIGABYTE vs sWat (5625 views)

de con
de slaz
de sabio
de brot
nl Wesbo
nl Juize
pl Krein
ee fabio
pl hotti
pl blk
pl winq
pl dnl
pl syriusz
pl lmk
Quality 6on6 cup 4th round (loser brackets)
29.03.09 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: pwned.nl (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 18247
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de d-hosting.de|ETTV
By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 40


enjoy playing that late
Late? Are you 12?
No was confused with summertime.

whats with the chink?
Today 23:15 EEST
yes it is kinda late...-.-
now he thinks that im 12 because 23:15 EEST is late for me
Luckily you dont have to play eh
swat : dnl lmk winq syriusz hotti blk
izi for hotti skill :- )
e-bash 4 sWat
why did you changed the hole sWat lineup ? :<
GL sabio
after our last praccs - 4:0 druidz.... GL 4 us :|
Ja die Wesbo, vast wel, wat doet die daar? Die gozer is gestopt met ET! Alsof die der nog iets van ken.
gl druidz

4:2 druidz imo :)
gogo syriusz :)
hf both,
hotti low :[[[ no win
I thought you quit ET Wesbo
gl wesbo
nice defence at gr from druidZ :)
gg bb
4:2 sWat
4-2 sWat ggs
4-2 sWat
wondering on the skill difference betw. with ettv and without *sigh*
nah con there not cheating!
+1 ! :]
yes ofc, like radar? WP con 600dmg. Whine more pls.
so what? cuz i got disQ in teh middle of game?! die of aids. i dont like u anymore :<
m8 u are abusing us of cheating.What did u expect that i will be fine with that? No i am not.
waiting for the demos.
U have all demos on ETTV replay so its poitnless that i am sending u demos.

Of decider, SD2 i am uploding it atm so here u go:


don't abuse him of cheating
or what?
you are dumb one, arent you?
replyin ironic on ironic is dump right?
you didnt even fully understand what he wrote so why are u even talking to me?
cuz u r talking to me?!
ye obviously :XD:XD:XD
please leave him alone hahahahaha hes as dumb as a freaky fuck :D
What butchij is trying to say here is that the word should be "accuse" not "abuse" so calm down
no ettv = skillboost nP
+1 :<D
just like @ radar heheh :P
fullhold at tank @ gr hehehe :P
Just tell me the name of player u want demos and i will send u in max 15 minutes.

all maps pls
U have all demos on ETTV replay so its poitnless that i am sending u demos.

Of decider, SD2 i am uploding it atm so here u go:


my demos? XDDDD that is joke right? xD
so? there's no point in what u're talking about, we pwnd you @ radar, you pwnd us @ goldrush, equal game @ supply, whats wrong?
just watch the replay @ ettv heh
i would like to watch ettv at sd but from a fact i dont know some of ure firends crashed the server and we couldnt play sd on ettv so im wating for the demos ;)
hah mate u're ridiculous, we have 15 slots vent with our friendly clan only, nobody is there except us, u have prolly some public vent, there were guys who connected with ur nicks etc, and u're talking that we've crashed the server rofl. we were the same disappointed as you because of these guys who were connecting but I still thought that was a nice game, now when u're talking shit like that my mind is changing
im waiting for the demos and no our vent is pw protected

ps. im not ure friend and i dont like ure team and whatever i hope you can feel the hate?!

ridiculous? so you say cuz the guys connecting with our nicks they got the pw and ip from us? OK and you say you cant give the pw with mIRC to someone? OK i got it.

just demos and im saticfied

Man u are pathethic srsly :o))))))))) KEEP ON WHINE :DDDDD
so stop replyin and i will.
So, let mi get that str8.

U think that u lost that match coz we were using cheats?
i think we lost the last map bcuz and that is what everyone expected after ettv went down and we needed to change the server you (not you as a player ofc) turnd it on and we lost . nP

i need the other demos
And what happend on the radar? we made it in 4:18 ?

And BTW we played on your server, so dunno why didnt u request ETTV.
And one more think, we are using private ventrilo server so belive me or not, but its not even a option that someone got ip/pass from us.

But anyway, keep on whine, i dont care :D
i dislike you :<
yep he asked for playing on their srv, logs :
(23:35:48) (DRz_fabio) lag?
(23:35:50) (sWat{dNL) ye
(23:36:18) (sWat{dNL) what's now?:P
(23:36:22) (DRz_fabio) dunno
(23:36:25) (DRz_fabio) 9 43 started
(23:36:46) (DRz_fabio) we had main and east
(23:37:04) (DRz_fabio) can we play our server?
chech PBSS
nothin to do with it but OK :=)
"ps. im not ure friend and i dont like ure team and whatever i hope you can feel the hate?!"

lol. Am I talking with a mature person? or with a stupid kid? looks like the second option is correct, so there's nothing strange in your behaviour :) just learn how to lose man... oops I meant boy
dude i dont care what you think i just want to check the fucking demos and then im proofed wrong or not?
your the right go to judge :D "mix" haha
nice a mix? so ähm ye? dont get it :<
You have € 50 on si sWat
You won € 107
dont cry my darlings
flamefest!! dnl hackerrrrrr!!
:D finally busted, u were right
You have € 130 on sWat
You won € 278.2
there are still 2 players missing :<
Look i said i will give u demos from one player and i did. Srsly i dont have time to collect demos from all players and upload it to ftp so u could watch one random match @ random cup. But if u still claim that there was smthing worng #sWat.clan an PM them and they will send you.
dude dont invite idiots on #sWat.clan :(
blablabla nazi blablalba
im not from SIE Germany you are....fucking adolf gtfo
you mean austria?
This team and particularly "con" get to represent the DRUIDZ in ET? Oh god...
was the team better before or something?
oke and when did i ownd you back in the days?
What is this shit? I thought we just had a fun game :/?
idd lol :o
idd lol :o
:p what did you do with all the slovenians? I'm sure I wouldve raped the bunch of you xD:P
belive me, that u are wrong ^^
iz bash for me :d <3
Dude the only thing that you can rape is that Kitty chick...so forget the idea to rape Slovenian players.

no hard feelings :*
haha :P iz bash <3
ja tez ;u kurwy zegarki pozmienialy
they won fair and square, radar was chaos, goldrush was brilliant, supply was equal

although i wonder why we had depot gate in 4mins the 1st time, and after replaying the map we could roughly set a time

anyways, wp sWat but do something about ur hitboxes:(
well to be clear you had it after 5:30 :P and at 2nd try it was like 7:30 or smth so not very big difference. would be obviously the same but syriusz made a 4man airstrike when u rushed bunker upstairs, that's why we were able to hold it a little longer :) ggs
gg syriuszek :*
ahhahaha syr : ***** xD


no shaun no win