Transformers vs Good Bad and Ugly (6186 views)

md eujen
pl Fanatic
pl FrG
pl numeric
hu seNti
it shoes
ee andre
ee angel eyes
ee CaNNOnji
ee hydra
ee starKie
1st match week of 3rd League Group A
03.04.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 29771
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
By: shadz (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 55


gl hf :D
wtf :OO ....
izibash :XD
gl hf :D
numeric: busted
seNti: busted
day: busted
viol: busted
pds: busted
Fanatic busted
eujen busted
+ fanatic retard
+ agree
+ wyjebane mam na ciebie :>?:DD?
tak wyjebane ze az musisz odpisywac :DDDD?

Fanatic removed you as a buddy!

w3DE has removed you from his buddylist !
+ agree
gtfo retard :-)
forfeit for gbu
gl ee estards
ole vait
gl hainman
gl pds,eujen,viol :)
GL :-)
gl viooooly ;>
low+ max vs. low+/med- .. such boring.
english vs polglisch, such boring :XD
gl "high"
gl gbu
need tmuh.
CAMPARJi teete ära vÄ?
gl GBU
why someone wanna play against that cheater team?
Let me make a better question.
Why the hell, they are allowed to play =p? That's the questioN!
because no one of us have cb ban and everybody are allowed??:XD
and btw we'll play every match on ettv so dont worry about ours "hax"
Great English mate :) !
dont call me your mate . thanks . bibuy
etbot and rshook are ettv proof smth like xx years.
You have € 5 on Tform
Possible win: € 5.7
izi money, cheaters always win
I don't know, why am I doing it, but my bet:

You have € 2211 on ee GBU Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8202.81

gl CaNNOnji ..
XD lol, 6 haxors in1 team.
np for hackers
made my day senti..
izi for transformers they transform if they lose 1 map in reconnect0rZ with skillboost izi :DDDDDDDDDDDDd
aha nice one <3!!!
gl eujeN & viol
go0 eesti poikad<3:) GBU pwns
gl campari
guys it's friday!:O hf tform
inna data nam nie pasowala zeby zagrac tym skladem, ktorym trenujemy na co dzien, wiec niestety musimy sie ponolifowac w piatek -.-
ja pierdole sie uwzieliscie na te piatki, kurwa. jak ktos lajfi caly tydzien a w piatek ma w koncu czas zeby zagrac to zanczy ze jest nolajfem ?
gl trans :))
gogo seNti! & numeric!
gonna be awful
gl numeric, grubasie :D
izi bash for pds <3
gl viol ;)
if CB allows those "people" to play, they deserve a lifetime ban themselves
they suck in 6v6
stfu nolifers
gl senti :)
go EE
numeric for EC
more cheaters in 1 team
its funny how you can manage to have so many cheaters in one team and still suck so fucking hard
Better than you though =)
hi lowpluser
says the guy who cheated :()
.. and still plays better than you without cheats :_D
There are like a hundred guys who play better than me without cheats, but you're not one of them.
you're welcome to ask anyone
Why would I ask anyone? I consider myself more knowledged than 95% of "anyone".
4-0 for Tform
mida türa hain
no wtf, mul jälle näpud põhjas...
third league? -.-
yes , unfortunately admins dont want us in higher division ;]
third division is good enough for you
numeric hax and sucks