Konflict vs StopNplay (3625 views)

be Jorke
be Timmyboy
be ForZz
be Muffin
be Logic
gb Pigeon
be lio
sc demented
pt bala12
pt gunny
pt rls
pt bob
pt kyro
pt stoner
pt S A N T O
01.04.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Jorke (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3539
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: shadz (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


oioioi gl konflict :DD
izi bash for jorke xd
no offence but i'dd spec logic, i heard his aim is pro
since you haven't got fanboys, you decide to fanboi urself? -> gg pro xD
at least I give people money to fanboi me...
i'll give you money to shut up :D
En trouwens, de jonas al is gezien, tis mss wa nen achterlijke ... ma ik moet em toch ni betalen eh!!
nee kvraag kvraag geen geld, kben zo pro da gelle al fanboi op ulle eige zijt vn mij ;D
izi bash for logic <3
Gl StopNplay
StopNplay linup


ps. no shad no win :P
gl snp :)
gl snp (:
vamos levar pau :D
no krikke? :D
Hoe doede da, speule me iemand die nie op CB sta?
lio :O acid :O
Dees is in de sjakosh ze^^ np4konflict
zet maar allemaal in op SnP kank wa geld winne :D
krikke has left us long time ago AND he's been busted several times so nty :D
logic geeft ze der allemaal 3 , np 4 konflict
idd i left them due to jorkes EGO ;) hax is the new 1337 skill btw
Jorke, don't quit during the war, because you've got to eat, please....
nP 4 muffin, lio & Logic 'noskillz' hacker :D
ga gij nog maar wa hacke gij
lio xD
<bb/olBaa> NP 4 SNP
all in @ STOPNPLAY <3
GL Konflict!
gl lieven & timmy
gl snp
GL S&P ganhem isso ;)
izi 4 pigeon paul
Cambada de noobs! Estes gajos não sabem jogar LOOL

BUUU ! S A N T O vai-te embora!
You have € 19 on sNp
Possible win: € 502.36

<bb/olBaa> np for cheaters like lio & acid.
wb lio
np, but why in that low team? only backup right?
low team? lmfao

med fo sho
but lio is med+/high- :\ but anyway gl :D!
gl sale rital <3
komaan eh trappisser !
kzal men best doen mister ik ga stoppen met ET and 2 jaar derna zit em nog 24/7 te spele en het zaligste vanal is dan nog die comments van vroeger, telkes gij geowned werd door ons ik zien het nog zo voor mij :D " gelle hebt echt geen leven het enige wa ge hebt is da spel " kzou nu graag nog is de balans maken triathlon wannabe thaha :D
hij zit nu ook wel in team be eh, onderschat zijn skills ni :O xDD
Hij zegt ook ni dat em slecht is gewoon dat em nen hypocriet is :D
edde gijle ooit al van sarcasme/ironie gehoord? :/
lol ...
gl snp <3
Boa sorte com isso snp!
GL schatjes van me!!!!
heb wat geld op jullie :)
Have fun Konflict, your sponsor will be watching!!!
powneert ze Lieven, gij se biest
gl b0ys
to easy for fucking konflict usually i'd say no demented no win but imo im shit these days so np for us :O ill try watch :<
lio = lioco ?
o S A N TO vai caçar os gajos é np
indeed np4 stop n play bet on them!
muffin you won't be playing i heard you were too low, ofc everyone allready knew that but we just didn't want to hurt your feelings, thx to jorke who helped us alot!
gl pigeon!
gl demented xD
4-0 np 4 konflict
4/0 wp acid & lio
and logic ofc
like i said: izi bash for jorke (with a lil help from lio and timmyboy)
imo logic sucked ballz
ELEMENTAL 2 - 0 KONFLICT ... KICKED FROM THE SERVER ;oooooooooooooooooooo
srry dude we could have bashed you easily but our 6th left becoz a terrible mom came into his room:O she closed down the internet,evil:O
ohhhhhhhhhh just excuses. completly pwng
imo shiva indeed you pwned us just too hard :OOOOOOOOOO
me :7125 damage and 45 hs :< npnpnpn