myRevenge e.V. aka Tform vs Duck n Cover (5397 views)

pl BloOdje
pl Fanatic
pl FrG
pl GrN
nl pds
pl wAldus
fi ArDe
fi crpsmgt
fi Hatehead
fi perDaj
fi Thomm
fi VeeTh
3rd match week of 3rd League Group A
22.04.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 8672
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Viewer Peak: 5


DnC lineup so far:
gl daisy
gl my boyz :*
deeäncee is dynamite
GL Thomm!
gl senti+juelz
gl ossi, kölner gangstar and eujen :))
hf frg and fanatic
gl/hf B team ;)
let me guess .

shoes = cheerleader ?
again new clan shoes?
Ehm not rly? Plz stfu if you know nothing im playing there since like 2-3 Months im Backupboy its Tform and we joined myRev
2-3 Month ?
2-3 weeks
omfg you want suck my balls? Little black shit kiddy?
Ask the others... I play there longer then you ever played for a Team!
are you sure, you telling me something with teams and playing long there, if you are a guy who changes the clan every month??? kk
What???? Tform is a Team since over a half Year... first its was exitium if you rly think you know something...
Plz now stfu & im backup... i cant help if you lowbob dont find a team... Yes 7 months ago i was hopper, but now im AoWler 4 ever! Never need new Team just if a Team ask me i will maybe play there! & mate i care about the i-net, not like yu cu
he must makes everytime a own (new) clan.... :o

gl shoes
shoes erklär mir mal bitte wie deine clanlage aussieht?

letzes match solltest du eigentlich mitspielen bei Avox.. bei Aow bist du ja eh ...bei myRevenge anscheinend auch... und wo sonst noch so?
learn english.
You are playing in same team with him
hihihi shoes
bah stinke socke :-D wieso bist niemehr ts?!
war schmusekätzchen
aso lass ma wieder zocken lang nich mehr mit dir gezockt....-.-
und endlich sind stinke socke und gammel schuh wieder gücklich vereint...... oh halt! wo ist käsefuß?
shoes erklär mir mal bitte wie deine clanlage aussieht?

letzes match solltest du eigentlich mitspielen bei Avox.. bei Aow bist du ja eh ...bei myRevenge anscheinend auch... und wo sonst noch so?
bei ku!
der ist doch noch bei quality Frags (3on3)
gl anderer squad, gl senti oler sachse ( :/ )
gl myRevenge
senti is allowed to play? :o
yes he iz !
cheater4ever :) das kennst du doch schon :D ob bei cb oder esl immer das selbe
back in et
Yep, just rediculous to play with him tbh:XXXXX
3 months cb ban.. a joke!! lifetimeban ftw
if you stopped hacking: gl seNti
gl daisy
Easy for me, if I play.
np 4 bounce & thomm
nyt pitää kerrankin olla samaa mieltä lukiolaisen kanssa :<
äläs nyt alota tai joutuu tulee laittaa pataan perjantaina
gl Daisy <3
rediculous to play with senti..... gl DnC
Easy for perdaj <3

gl Thomm!
It is easy for perdaj, but I need luck?

You got me there :(
Well, I don't know if you're gonna play sober or not!
Just two beers to relax and calm my nerves on gr-lag.
gl thomm and veeth!
gl paris
2:0 myR.mix BD
4:0 myR
What happened to the line-up? 2 hours ago it was with shoes & senti n shit.
They cant play :p nobody was here , only me Frg and pds