Havok & Kaos vs Kapoks (4617 views)

gb Jeebs
gb Stary.
gb Mosphe
gb sn4p
be Bjorn
si 2nice2kill
pl AM1G0
be Thomas.
be Bangor
gb Chris.
cz Orrie
nl zenix
nl Onoez
06.04.09 20:45 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase OpenCup Spring '09 (6v6)
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Ark

Total Pot: € 15267
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 1 - Sponsored by Kartan
By: kartan (none)

nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
nl Multiplay.co.uk :: Snakepit Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 75
Viewer Peak: 37


hf both :)
I trust in only one pl player!
change ur tag to #hAkzz pls
h4k, sounds ALMOST like h2k!!!
Robertos sounds almost like Kurwa to :P:P
ohhh damn u, ugly metal mafioso! :D
he he he he .... polish pussy ;) . Dont fuck up tomorrow 6v6... i hear u are tanking ? u are playing ehicles first time or ? :):):)
aA will tank, he is always the best :O
we gaan ze in de pan hakken!

strak strak, in mijn trainingspak-pak
kijk eens hoe ik hak-hak, helemaal uit mijn dak
klootzak kankernaab whatever blablabla randomwords -_-
You forgot to tell that he's a lul! :XD

strak-strak in mn trainingspak-pak, kijk is hoe ik hak-hak, lekker uit mn dak, totindevroegemorgen!!!!
gl + hf to both teams =)
AM1GO, pokaraj tam :D

You have € 151 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1087.2

:O ale bedziesz bogaty!
You have € 250 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2110
D: kurwa ze dobre
ze bozjnet pui

You have € 5 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 46.05
score ??
gg. 4-2 hak
nice game, thx Snakepit for borrowing their server
ye indeed was fun.
You have € 250 on eu Kapoks
You lost
thomas wh out of order today, sorry.
That's why its 4:2 for hak
2 bad guys
decent score though ;)
kapoks won ark, did they?

orrie > snap, obviously
They won volcano... and i played volcano cos im so pr0 but we won area you should see that demo rebertos :P
my demo on ark is more fun! if you talk about vehicle action xD
I told Jeebs they'd prolly win volcano if they'd take a map. Lotto map :D

You have € 700 on #hAk
You won € 777
its indeed funny map, i think we played it 3 times lately and won all times the map below 6mins. But in defence we failed each time, and allways the opponent allmost planted. Yesterday again, but in the end we somehow manage to win that map.
Don't remember ever beating a kapoks lineup on volc atleast in offis!
Never have, never will, play well on that map.

Dispise the map!
srsly i need my nC-walhack 2.8 back
gg wp hak! Good opponent. :)
I didnt think we did bad taking 2 points here, quite usefull in a competition like this :).