Envy.ET vs cLutch Impact Gaming (4462 views)

ca Decruz
il Destiny
us Pyro
us pAuz
ca rockstAr
ca rossko
ETProLeague Season Two North American Qualifiers

us Envy.ET (4) vs us Clutch Impact (5)

10.04.09 03:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: etproleague
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: aRiZona59 (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 8327
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


rockstAr is ca last time i knew :)
I was ca last time i knew :)

edit: thx 8D
clutch will take it gl kyle, sean, shaun
gl sean kyle and pauzy!. all money on you guys
rockstar ftw get em boys
gl punkkster :D and ma NIGGUH PYROO and ma Nigroo Decruzz and can't forget ma bitch ass nigguh blunt
Its gonna be a close game ^^
Lets hope rockstar plays a little better on ETTV tonight... It was almost like he lost all his skill last night
good luck pAuz and rockstAr
got benched for a jew WTF
hf punkk, rockstar, rossko
You have € 23 on us ci. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 308.43
gl decruz, pyro, rockstar, rossko.
gl rossko pyro, and of course my decruz : D

gl rossko :*
make me happy plox
hf guys
Envy's lineup for tonight's match is:

ca pyro
ca decruz
il destiny

good luck and have fun Clutch-Impact
why didn't you come down and watch :)
cuz of your performance last night :P
crash server... ego, 4-0 clutch
gay @ restart in supply....
sucks for enV
but congrats clutch :D
lame sudden reset.. 3:0 cI
best admins right there. didnt even know that the map restarted
+1, twice..
sorry was doing the crip walk at the time

fucking gay that that happened, they agreed on restarting though
ye but u said something about timelimit and let us have cp and all.. after our first attack i didn't want to whine cause i'll knew u gonna say "u readied up" tho i thought they were going to spawn back and let us have it all etc.. anyway.. gg anyway doesn't matter anymore..
n1 server host. regardless gg
its nice to have someone on the inside restart the server when there geting there ballz handed
left? or right side bench?
oh i read this late lol um i let decruz play .... cause i thought he would not laugh through the whole first round gg lol
etfailleague :)
angry cause i wouldn't let you play : ( sadface : (
poor env..
You have € 100 on us ci.
You won € 269

gifted your the only fail in the whole wide world.
restart match. :D
You have € 25 on us ci.
You won € 67.25

thnx rossko :]
well duh, was obviously trying to bluff a confession out of you rofl
You have € 6 on us ci.
You won € 16.14

You have € 15 on us ci.
You won € 40.35
You have € 50 on us ci.
You won € 134.5

tnx for moneyz