Germany vs United Kingdom (6029 views)

Not Announced
gb Jeebs
gb Stary
gb Seanza
gb kipster
gb T!gz
gb dude aka Apoc
ClanBase Nations Cup Bronze Final
16.04.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 10895
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 1 - Sponsored by Kartan
By: Seanza (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 75
Viewer Peak: 58


gl team germany ;)
gl germany! :)
np 4 ger
gl germany :>


no scream no win^^
go uk! gogo pokemon stary kipster jeebs system!
lineups? ;o
maps? ;o
i wish the less arrogant team wins
Should be no problem, considering YOU re not in either team =P <3
fake match

official statement from j4b

<j4b> i will play without monitor
i will play without inetz cause im not @ home :<
wtf? so u wont play?
im @ hollidays with crap connection. ill play but its laggy like hell.
wanna @ my connection? XD
mmmmh no
lol u whine for ur connection and you ping less than me, gtfo XD
You have € 250 on gb UK
Possible win: € 680
You have € 900 on de GER
Possible win: € 1224

gogo germany!
Nice lineups.
meh, as usual when ger plays against uk I dont know who to bet on and who to cheer for <.< I think i ll skip the betting and wish both teams good luck!
feigling :P
^^ jap, ist halt so als halbe engländerin und halbe deutsche =D schwierig zu entscheiden, genau wie beim fußball. lol.
uncle j4b will make it dont worry
You have € 266 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 718.2

spongio, if your prediction is wrong, u have to give me a bottle of wine :p
I shall not mention the World Wars.

@screeeam: lol awesome!.... and SYSTEM you got in the way of my reply, go and stand in a queue like all english like to do =PPP <3
I'd like to say what about Germany vs. Scotland but you still humped us too since Scottish football team is MEGASHIT (hi2u dragon)
I won't be playing this match.

UK get's a skill boost!
=/ why you not playing? and who s playing instead of you?
UK lineup is up.

Guaranteed whine incoming!
OMG seanie playing?? :o
Epic return incoming!
izi 4 rex, YEAH!!!111(liek james hetfield)
Celebrity6th!!! wth?
ie: we don't know who our 6th is

time to stop taking gaming srsly ; )
seanza playing? ok, changing bet:
You have € 250 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 582.5
how strange, odds became from 3.01 \ 1.43 to 2\2 since this news XD
Ofc, team playing tonight has never played together before, so it's more like a mix. And Germany are permapraccing so will be np4them. If they lose, something is wrong.
That was a smart move after all.

Oh wait...
lol you chickened out all evening :D
"team ger pracs 24/7 bla bla whine whine"
And now a big mouth gj seanza!
That made perfect sense.

I didn't understand it neither...
shouldnt go to this site when I am stoned :D
What I meant to say was that Seanza was bashing germany how they prac 24/7 before the match. And how they have mix line-up and germany is a real team. But when they happen to win, he's got a big mouth!
But hey! /care :D GJ pred, Jeebs and kip!
I always have a big mouth :/
You have € 53 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 123.49 ...ok ok ok I will bet too!
You have € 100 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 176

make me fail j4b and I'll come to eat u
mathias und jens regeln np. gl ger

You have € 10 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 17.8 (mehr hab ich nicht ^^)

Decider about to be decided.
Area 22 decider
etqw is kek
You have € 250 on UK
You won € 1257.5

I can't believe I lost my money ... Q_Q
You wanted that ger
The obviously less arrogant team won.

<333333333333333 Seannyboy
When I don't play, we win, np.
Wp Celebrity6th!!! !

im happy that our warmup game had effect.
Ya, we learned what not to do :D
twice i bet on uk and twice i lost and finally when i bet against you i lose again, srsly.MR.BRAVE HEART MAKES DIFFRENCE ^_^
Me & Kipster = unbeatable!
gtfo from kipster!
he's the only ONE
you're the only ZERO
ye, its like AM1G ZERO

hi2u dragooooon!
suckanza, gayanza, bonanza
i won

You have € 795 on gb UK
You won € 3998.85

Thx joke LUs
You have € 105 on gb UK
You won € 528.15

Changed my bet when I knew Seanza was playing.
You make legends look like retards!

You have € 900 on de GER
You lost

"That had to hurt"
for luck i removed my bet before the match because odds were ridicolus
incazzati con i tedeschi e le loro tattiche improvissate in 1min di cambio mappa lol, invece di copiare la nostra, come sempre e vincere hanno fatto i fighi e l'hanno presa nel culo
kipster = total domination tbh

You have € 30 on gb UK
You won € 150.9

thx :)