Authentic Gaming vs The Next (5070 views)

13.04.09 23:15 CEST
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: saKen (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: w0nd3r (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 40
Viewer Peak: 40

1st =D
gl wssquad :)
nice pot, only requestee placed his bet?
nope I didn't, not too confident on this one.
omg the odds -.-
2:2 ! XD
think we got cheated
unknown cant beat ec skilled aye ? fuck off slajdan
unknown? more or less all of those are busted for privbots, everyone who knows who they are know that they are a bunch of kiddie cheaters :-P
oWN3D !
whiner :)
trying to protect our customers are we now
its funny to see that u write such comments like this. I just have to take a look at those slajdan vids, clear aimbotting :)
dobrze kurwa !!!!!!!!!!! 4:2 The next !
wp polaks
nice :D
Well played
botz > next
and cb isn't banning these? lol'd
You have 1 on Auth
You lost
thx :(
You lost
thx :(
no zMk no win
no zMk no win
so true :D
wp guys
EC skill vs OC 2 nd league :DDDDDDDD
how can a team with that amount of excheaters in the lineup blame about cheating ^^
gg thenext
gg thenext
since they were and still are?:D they never didn't?
stfu cheater
o ja pierdole
så dumt att spela mot sånnadär :O)
easy money
2 cheatah times =D
lol :| how could u lost against these noobs :O
wp sw1ruz
wp sw1ruz
o lol :o Nice suprise :D
lol stop hating on sw1ruz he was owning..
nice 1 saKen
hahah nie moge XDDDD
"invitium is now probably no.2 on polish Enemy Territory scene"
jebani sa mocni nie ma co :DD
"invitium is now probably no.2 on polish Enemy Territory scene"
gs !
"invitium is now probably no.2 on polish Enemy Territory scene"
"invitium is now probably no.2 on polish Enemy Territory scene"
"invitium is lanproffed and more funnier !"
only sonse ad ska form the next isnt lanproofed
It's propably the best Polish team at the moment. Wish them GL @ upcoming LANs.
eeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyy
Undetected Bot - 10 $
Wallhack - 5 $
Cigarettes - 2 $
Pwning authentic and other EC teams - Priceless
There are things you can't buy, but if you have money, why don't use them?
Wallhack - 5 $
Cigarettes - 2 $
Pwning authentic and other EC teams - Priceless
There are things you can't buy, but if you have money, why don't use them?
its not so cheap :<
u got da good one! the one lewis got.. think its rshook!
eeeeeeee yyyyyyyy
your mother - 2$
your sister - 1$
reading your stupid comments - priceless
your sister - 1$
reading your stupid comments - priceless
ska = win
!! ladnie :-)
"wssquad: i don't have got, i got wh :<" quote from lan :D! so np4him x:D
zastanawia mnie jedna rzecz dlaczego w poscie na cf skrina nie bylo z lana :DDDDDDD
that smiley is not correct us this 1 :<
always glad to meet some real skill :>
Takkkkk KURWA !!!!!!!! sw1ruz napierdalacz :*! The Next <3
Expected the unexpected thing! Congratz 'The Next', you confirm how many cheaters you have in your team
i am still wondering why saKen wanted to play offi with two mercs :D anyway, "gg"
Fuck you I'm backup ! :D
nononononono, i am backup :D
you dont need to apologize 2 times ,you lost get over !!!
1st of all, its for first time i am EXCUSING myself, 2nd do u even know what word apologize means? 3rd I got over it, i dont care about some random match in some random ladder 4th stfu mr. "my skills depends on map"
That match was an entire joke !
Lower settings please ><
Lower settings please ><
wp skaa czicie :|
powiedzial najczysciejszy z najczysciejszych :!D
daj kamjenia
daj kamjenia
look how many polaks are happy now:) whole country i guess
mission "make polaks happy" accomplished :D
ye thx
Don't worry. Slovakia won't reach to the World Cup 2010 in South Africa.
what r u talking about?
And not even Poland.
all peoples must know auth arent good clan they got owned on their map vs us and we played without tact:XDD so get skill anyway GG FOR : SW1ruz WSS MICHAS :XD and FAT NUMER:D and sonsee it was best him match:D // sorry for my retard english:XD
nothing I can remember, but how many bimbots did your team have then? x-D
i think 6 of 6
we played with 3 mainplayer, 1 backup and 2 merc which havent any idea what should they play and where. And if we got pwned on our map what did u get on urs? I would like to see rematch with normal lineup, now stfu
yeye and u play 4fun when i tell 6v6 high at irc:] i know:DDDD rly u wnb pro:] because only "wnb"
what? we one time played against you and your shitty team and you were more like medskilled, that's why I don't bother replying to you anymore when you're looking for highskilled matches
and we won our map: sd? so wtf are you crying ?:O
yeeeeeeeeeee polish fag go make a party with your whole family and your clanmates
rOfL ec skill lost
get skill FiLuS and pozdro pocwicz
dont even speak to me polak
EDIT: i didnt say any fucking word about u, i was even trying to convince other to stop acting like children and asking for demos or accusing of cheating (even that i have never heard of u in any other way that u have smth with cheats and u played strange), but u r acting like retards. U win, and what about now? Only what i see is that u r putting this everywhere, "o maj gad, we won auth, we iz sooo skillet...", jeez... so, u won, u have more powerfull equipment and u r still allowed to play, gratz, get over it. howgh
EDIT: i didnt say any fucking word about u, i was even trying to convince other to stop acting like children and asking for demos or accusing of cheating (even that i have never heard of u in any other way that u have smth with cheats and u played strange), but u r acting like retards. U win, and what about now? Only what i see is that u r putting this everywhere, "o maj gad, we won auth, we iz sooo skillet...", jeez... so, u won, u have more powerfull equipment and u r still allowed to play, gratz, get over it. howgh
don't cry retard:]
ok gl & hf
one person isn't whole nation :)
they´re all the same ...
sqq wiecej po scianach :)
so funny to see all the polaks here who are proud because they won against a mix :DDD
joke karnaj and filus*
why not? It's not like we care about that ladder, furthermore you'd either be shit or be cheating, guess you know which one won in the end.
Where is killerboy?:O!
Don't judge whole country because of these idiots ;)
dude authentic you lost, just face the thruth.
If they would cheat, you can change the result some later...
If they would cheat, you can change the result some later...
Where are we not facing the truth? Yeah we lost, and yeah they hack, even expected that to be honest and was surprised to win supply with relative ease. But who cares it's CB 6on6 Ladder. We'll see them popping up in one list or another sooner or later.
you hacked too :)))
what did I hack??
better cheaters won
Total Pot: 111
POLAKS <----Cheaters... easy thx mates for proving it stupid dumbasses!