vs Tribal Warriors Clan (4222 views)

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Sixth league - Group A
18.04.09 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vidi (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 5250
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de |>B<| TV #1
By: vidi (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)
xx ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


[#!!!<<!!!GO GO nUtSaCkzZz GO GO!!!>>!!!#]
6v2 gg

gl coco :)
Gl nutsacks
gl coco and nutsacks :)
gl nuts
good luck cupra
Easy for Visjes!
GL <8!
gl tribal
Tribal, the server you wanna play on doesnt stream gameviolations. We have already set other server + ettv.

None of you on IRC in CB channel.

Whats going on????
GL tribal
maybe start? :C
Awesome this is the 2nd tard group with 14!!! players that only comes with 4..
The funny thing is, it was even the Tribal kids that proposed this date /time...

Seriously why the hell do u guys sign up for OC..

Piss off naabs.

Match cancelled, forfeit win for Nutsacks....
they didnt have 6, forfeit win
why even putting low- at ettv?
your ugly mom is low-
right, didnt had much probs to win against u
we are clean LOL
so am i and my team, gimme avi of their hacks and then blame then, if not shut up.
cause its our ettv :D Maybe when u are a good boy we will put u on it once too.

PS: Still angry we banned you from our cup becasue all of your team got caught cheating (PBBANS) ?

piss off :D
dude pliz, u wish i could care for ur cup or w/e u want, its just so funny u have so big ego and ur skills still beeing at low lvl.
go play some 2.55 on nabo servers
be jelaus of my skills lowbie <3
[sarcasm] yea cause i want to be in top10 on splatterlatter to, thats my dream [/sarcasm]
[sarcasm]SAME lets play jaymod 24/7[/sarcasm]
u could write it without sarcasm, since i bet 100€ u couldnt manage to make it into it, not get over low lvl of etpro skills, so enjoy ur poor life.
i hope you know that your making a fool out of yourself :)
im just havin fun, while waiting for some 3on3 wars.
SSTT vidi dont tell him!
We are having the time of our lives looking at this dude owning himself.
dude pliz, do u have demos or just some shity pbbans to get reasons why putting us out of cup just bcoz we would pwn u so easy in group.
As i said, ur ego is way to bigger for ur skills u have.
LoL did you get your brain with a happymeal?

They are banned by PB, some multiple times :D we dont need no more evidence :)
u need skills not evidence.
Its ok we are low /low+ we will become better.
Difference between you and us is that we dont need netcoders for that.

You must be the only gay in your village...

i dont see link of my pbbans?
i dont need 5 years to become low+ like most of u guys need.
playing with cheaters IS PRETTY RETARDED
The dude got his brain for free with a happymeal. He wont understand..
Can annybody check if one of these dudes deserve 10 year ban for evading :D
Aniq3, your low fag, so shut the fuck and leave them u niggah
Aniq3, 5years and still low? i rofled. The nutsacks are cool, now jog on hommo
Challange us asap we will put it on gamestv. You will be famous!

But leave out the haxxors ok :)
no reply.... thought so

go if u dare, make my day nice when im gonna own u..
Why didnt you reply to me? :( Oh thats why, we fullheld you at flag on supply and bremen :D Nice tag though
who are u anyway lol?
you wont know me, i change name every week :D But we pwnt a team called swat with the tag, s(w)at in purple and pink :D
lol like i know when it was that, say me name of the team and i can tell u foward.
We either played as

Back2basics (b2b - ) , Raw Gaming (rAW - name), Versatile Gaming (verS/name) - It was a irc 6v6, and was fun for us

never played against u lol.
LOl, trust me, we have. Ill even go through my file of demo's and attempt to find them, if i recorded such a izi bash.
si Aniq3 Saturday, 18th April 2009 22:52
dude pliz, do u have demos or just some shity pbbans to get reasons why putting us out of cup just bcoz we would pwn u so easy in group.
As i said, ur ego is way to bigger for ur skills u have.

Your team just about reaches med- lol, your a bunch of noskillers. And you call these low? You think you team is med/+, Its barely med-/med. WE fullheld you at SUpply and bremen on the flags, and we are techniqually a mix. GG :D Lowfag
make offi and show me links, if not shut up really bcoz ur boring.
BTW, gg at your team being clean, When there clean, Ill eat my sock. PB says different.